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Neeraj Kalwani

"Navigate Life's Mysteries: Your Astrology Guide."

Neeraj Kalwani

"Navigate Life's Mysteries:
Your Astrology Guide."

Neeraj Kalwani

"Navigate Life's Mysteries: Your Astrology Guide."

Build & Design


Insights on relationships, compatibility, and romance.

Business & Finance

Guidance on career, financial decisions, and investment opportunities.

Marriage & Family

Understanding family dynamics, parenting, and harmony within relationships.


Insights on relationships, compatibility, and romance.

Business & Finance

Guidance on career, financial decisions, and investment opportunities.

Marriage & Family

Understanding family dynamics, parenting, and harmony within relationships.

Build & Design

Whatever your Goal is – let Astrology Guide you!

Whatever your Goal is – let Astrology Guide you!

• Reveal Hidden Talents
• Overcome Obstacles
• Achieve Personal Growth.

• Reveal Hidden Talents
• Overcome Obstacles
• Achieve Personal Growth.

Build & Design

Planning to buy a new home?
Already Bought it?
New home not going right after moving in?

Planning to buy a new home?
Already Bought it?
New home not going right after moving in?

We provide a range of Vastu services whatever your need is.

We provide a range of Vastu services whatever your need is.

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About Neeraj Kalwani
M.A in Astrology & Gold Medalist

For the past 55 years, the Kalwani family has been undertaking this task. By analysing the planets, he not only becomes aware of human issues but also provides solutions to them. Planets have a profound impact on our lives; often, a change in intentions delivers pleasant and auspicious circumstances. We cannot escape these disasters, but we may certainly mitigate their impact with the help of a professional astrologer. Our goal is to help people in whatever way we can by using our knowledge. As competent astrologers, we can save them from any difficulty that may arise.

Benefits Of GrahaTalk

  • Get your personal Analysis
  • Your compatibility with other numbers
  • Love related problems and martial solutions
  • Lucky numbers and colors will bring success into your life
  • Government job or Job or Business (suitable career for you)
  • How will be your health. Remedies and things to keep in mind
  • Personality traits, Nature and Characteristics
  • Higher education and possibility of education in abroad
  • Effective and easy solutions for you
  • Successful personalities who have same number as you

Choose your Zodiac Sign

What's Your Sign? Read Your Daily Horoscope Today













Talk with our Astrologers & will get your solutions


Difficult times need to be managed efficiently and if someone’s predictions and analysis works then those must be appreciated. Accurate prediction by Mr.Neeraj Sharma, gave me a ray of hope. Thank you so much GrahaTalk for helping me out.

Sachi K Chadha


Amazing and precise prediction! I appreciated the specificity of the advice and I highly recommend their services to anyone who is looking for guidance and direction in their life. Thank you so much Neeraj Sir!

Asmita Khated


The happening of any event is not in anybody’s control but the threat of something more bad to happen can surely be controlled by knowledge, where astrology plays an important role, working to reduce the mashups in life. Great work by GrahaTalk !

Prashant Chhajar


GrahaTalk has turned me from a skeptic to believer! Amazing predictions, before this I didn’t know about astrology and all but now the depth of readings, accuracy of my personality traits, past events has  helped me  believe in Vedic Astrology.

Harish Kumar


I found him through the internet. They provided me reading that helped me gain a deeper understanding of my strengths and weaknesses. Highly recommend their services to anyone, looking for guidance in their life.

Deeksha Acharya


Consultation with Neeraj Ji is one of the best things one can do in troubled times. He has deep knowledge, and he guides you with practical advice and offers easy-to-follow remedies. Feel proud to recommend him.

Vishwas Acharya


I was skeptical about astrology, but decided to give a try after a recommendation. I was blown away by the accuracy of their readings. They were able to provide me with insights into my life, and their predictions turned out to be true. Highly recommendable.

Monika Sharma


I was going through a challenging time in my relationship and was unsure about what to do. Thanks to their guidance, my partner and I were able to work through our issues and strengthen our bond.

Madhu Joshi


Consulted Graha Talk regarding my professional life. Their prediction of me getting a job in 10 days with an upgraded pay scale became a reality, that has brought me fulfillment and happiness in my personal life as well.

Javed Dayer


My experience with Mr. Neeraj was nothing short of exceptional. The Session surpassed my expectation with its accuracy and insightful revelations. If you are seeking a knowledgeable and reliable astrologer, i wholeheartedly recommend Mr. Neeraj’s services for astrology Consultation.

Rupali Bansal, Hisar

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