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Face Reading

One’s face tells a thousand tales.

Face reading, also known as physiognomy, is the practice of analyzing a person’s facial features to gain insight into their character traits, personality, and well-being. A face is a gateway to understanding a person, and hence, its significance cannot be undermined. Face Reading Astrology is a stream that is not only detail-oriented but also extremely telling of one’s inherent personality traits, and luck in matters of heart, health, and occupation.

What is Face Reading- Insight into your Face

A face is an emblem of expressions, emotions, and senses. Facial expressions are a gateway to a person’s inner world and a vast array of emotions, feelings, and beliefs that the persons hold. The study of reading face is part of Samudrik Shastra Vidya. It includes a careful analysis of various aspects of one’s face and body – from the shape of the forehead to the arch of the mouth – as well as one’s body language and subtle expressions too. Merriam-Webster dictionary also defines physiognomy or faces reading as the art of discovering temperament and character from outward appearance and, the facial features held to show qualities of mind or character by their configuration or expression.

Origin of Face Reading

The origins of face reading can be traced back to ancient Chinese and Greek civilizations, where it was used as a tool for understanding a person’s personality and character. It was also used by Chinese physicians as a diagnostic tool, as certain facial features were believed to be indicative of underlying health issues. In Greece, face reading was known as “physiognomy,” and was studied by philosophers such as Aristotle (384 BCE to 322 BCE) and Hippocrates. It is also one of the themes incorporated into the ancient hindu text, the Garuda Purana.

How to Read Face – Secret to unlock Past, Present and Future

Secrets of face-reading imply the idea of theoretical foundations of practical techniques of character reading from the face. It is both a science and an art as well. Sometimes exact measurement of dimensions of certain features of face are also measured for arriving at desirable conclusions.

Forehead – The Sole Agent of Fate

The forehead has attained great importance in Hindu Philosophy. As per ancient adages, mostly in Indian culture lines on one’s forehead are referred to as ‘Bhagya Rekha’ meaning that they are indicative of a person’s fortune and career prospects. A vertical wide forehead represents higher intellectual and thinking capability. These individuals generally possess higher attention to detail than those with the vertically narrow forehead. On the other hand, a horizontally wide forehead represents sharp thinking abilities. Similarly, a horizontally narrow forehead represents focus. These people are generally interested in gaining a specialization in only one or two domains.

EYES- The Organ of Hypnotic Radiation

The length of an eye should be equal to the width of the nose between the eyes. If the length of an eye is more than this, the person is envious and jealous of others. If the length of the eye is lesser than this, the person develops ugly tendencies in behavior. Deeper eyes represent introversion, toleration, pleasant, shy, and quiet nature while protruding eyes show aggression, focus, attention, and intolerant nature.

NOSE- Tale bearer of Human Character

A Large nose with a wide tip denotes aggressiveness. An individual with a slender bridge, but fleshy nostrils is a warm and kind person, according to face astrology. An upturned nose symbolizes a person who is a people pleaser. A short/small nose represents thinking, advisory skills & patience.

EAR- Avenue to the Heart

One cannot miss analyzing the shape of ears while face-reading. Small and narrow ears show honor and affection while vertically long ears denote shyness and strength. Big ears symbolize aggression and assertiveness. If ears are closer to the head and not easily visible laterally than it represents a conservative and calm nature

TEETH- Gateway to Vigour and Vitality

Medium-sized and evenly set teeth depict the good and honest nature of a person. However, if the lower teeth are projecting and closing over the upper teeth, the person becomes devoid of tender feelings. Wider jaws represent power, aggression, strength, and masculinity. However, they can be mentally and emotionally weak in nature. A smaller jaw represents mental strength and defensiveness.

LIPS – The Exponent of Heart

The shape and fullness of a person’s lips are believed to reveal information about their communication style. Although thin and pursed lower and upper lips indicate courage, people who are born with this shape can be perceived as cold and unyielding. Heart-shaped round lips indicate sensuality and kindness. Pale lips with a tight jaw and small mouth denote
aggressiveness and indicate that the person is not expressive towards their loved ones.

CHIN- The foundation of Philosophy

The chin stands for your level of willpower, your stubbornness, your tenacity, says Haner. The curve or shape of the chin reveals the battlefield that is preferred by this person. A curved or rounded chin is a person who fights in the arena of people, a straight or square chin deals with ideas, while an angular chin likes conflict and control. A large chin is found on a person who is demanding and aggressive while a small chin person is passive and compliant. 

It has been proven beyond doubt that the characteristics of a person can be determined by reading his facial features with great accuracy. In business, face reading can be used to assess the potential of a job candidate by analyzing their facial features during an interview. In law enforcement, face reading can be used to identify potential criminal behavior by analyzing a suspect’s facial features. In human resources, face reading can be used to assess a potential employee’s suitability for a particular role by analyzing their facial features and personality traits. Hence said, “The face is a picture of the mind with the eyes as its interpreter.”

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