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September 23 - October 23

Vedic name: Tula

Meaning: The Scales

Type: Air-Cardinal-Positive

Libra is the seventh sign and the only inanimate sign of the zodiac. The sign epitomizes balance and fairness. The sign restores equilibrium to all affairs, no matter how big or small it is. The energy of the sign settles a major and ethical conflict. It will stop at nothing to establish interpersonal and aesthetic consonance.

  • Libra individuals will focus more on partnerships. However, they will prioritize the needs of others. They hate being rude to others. Also, they hate large crowds and they hate being alone as well.

  • They admire harmony and love gentleness and peace around them. Hence, they become mediators and patch up the quarrels happening between others whenever possible. Still, they enjoy healthy arguments with people. They often want things to go smoothly. They are also very level headed And therefore can be sought after for practical solutions. However, they can stir up a lot of controversy with their attitude and behavior.

  • They are calm, perfectly balanced, sweet, gracious and charming individuals and hence, seldom rush or hurry. They also tend to run out of energy easily. They demand space whenever they feel pressured or crowded. But when they are down or upset, they can be annoying, quarrelsome, stubborn, restless, depressed and confused. But this does not last long. They tend to balance themselves very fast and manage to be cool and also look calm.

  • Natives are fascinated by balance and symmetry. However, they are in a constant chase for justice and equality. For them, their core personality is truly important and this they have realized through experiences in life.

  • Individuals possess constant mental stimuli, strong intellect, and a keen mind. They are magnetic, attractive and highly sought after individuals. They can charm anyone and also draw the attention of many people. They are fond of social aspects as well. Also, they are very cheerful and loyal to their friends and close ones. So they often have a large social circle and many trustworthy friends.

  • They constantly go through inner struggle as they find it hard to make everyone feel special. Usually, they like to be the center of attention, but avoid a straightforward approach for the same.

  • Ruling Planet : Venus
  • Element: Air
  • Quality : Cardinal
  • Symbol: The Scales
  • The Symbol denotes: Harmony, justice and a balanced nature
  • Characteristics:Airy, cardinal, masculine, positive, humane
  • Qualities: Thoughtful, unbiased, graceful, modest, adaptable, persuasive, affectionate, cheerful, sympathetic, tactful, balanced.
  • Undesirable Personality Traits: Indecisive, extremist, reckless, hasty, susceptible, aloof, tend to get carried away by others’ opinions.
  • Birth Stone: Diamond, White Sapphire and White Topaz
  • Birth Colors: All shades of Pink, White, Shades of Blue, and Light Green
  • Lucky Number: 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60
  • Compatible Signs: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius
  • Lucky Day: Friday
  • Deepest need :Love, romance, social harmony.
  • Quality most needed for balance: A sense of self, self-reliance, independence
  • Associated Flowers and Plants: Rose.
  • Best Sign/s for marriage and or partnerships : Aquarius, Sagittarius,Taurus.
March 15 2024

Be cautious when you are driving or moving on the road as well as at the time of working. This is the not good day for investment. Try to maintain harmony with spouse. There shall be some unnecessary tension. Avoid unnecessary debate. Some bad news might disappoint you. It shall be average day for love related matters.


March – Week 2

The beginning of the week indicates that you would be spending money on education, your children, speculation, entertainment and love relation. Your health would remain perfect throughout the week and confidence would also not go down. The mid of the week is giving this indication that you would be confident in handling your enemies and expenses in this week. You would be happy while going on journeys. You will make plans to manage your expenses and competitive examinations. You would be a good strategist in terms of shaping your marketing plans during tough competition in the market. In the remaining days of the week you would be highly attached to your spouse.The destiny and advice of spouse shall help you earn more gains. Partners shall also be happy with you. There would be better compatibility between you and your spouse. The conjugal bliss shall get enhanced.


     March 2024

Health : This month there is much that is encouraging for your health in the combination of stars that faces you. Any predisposition to sudden acute illness, like fever or inflammations, though of short duration, would get significant relief. Such trouble, would in all probability, not bother you at all. Back trouble would be similarly relieved.There are grounds, however, to be apprehensive about the possibility of an eye infection. This could bother you briefly, but even this could be prevented by appropriate precautionary measures like cleanness and use of suitable preventive medication. Overall, a month, that is quite encouraging for your health.

Finance : The turn of events would not favour your financial advancement this month, is what the augury from the stars has to say. True enough, there are clear indications that speculation would bring serious losses to some of you. Therefore, it would be wise to stay away from gambling of any sort whatever.There are also indications that any dispute or litigation that you might be involved in would almost certainly be decided against you, resulting in losses of a substantial nature. You must strive, therefore, to see that the decision in any such matter is postponed to a later and more favourable period. Relations with superiors or employees are also likely to nose-dive; prevent such an eventuality, failing which you would have to face big losses.

Profession : A favourable set of circumstances would provide excellent opportunities to you for career advancement. You would work hard and succeed in realizing your planned objectives. There is every chance that this would create a whole new range of possibilities for you and you would go on to a much better job or a change of operation in your business. All for the better.You should also look forward to a good quantity of travel which would also prove quite beneficial. The most favourable direction would be east. This period would also be characterized by a boldness of approach in your professional activities. This would make for efficient functioning and greater qualities of leadership.

Education : An excellent month, during which your educational pursuits would get to their objectives, since the stars facing you, are in a helpful mood. Students of engineering particularly electrical and mechanical engineering would fare quite well in their studies. This would also apply to students of medicine, particularly surgery.The artistically inclined would also have cause for satisfaction at their performance. Those pursuing crafts or technical trades would be able to achieve significant proficiency in their line. Candidates sitting for competitive examinations can also look forward to success, but only after a lot of hard work. In fact, in all your successes this month, a great deal of hard work would be involved.

Travel : Nothing particularly favourable about the augury from the stars, in so far as gains from travels are concerned. This month you would travel alone mostly by road and by rail, with a fair measure of air travel.There is also the likelihood of a foreign tour. It is quite certain that all these effort would fail to generate the expected profits or bring any pleasure and satisfaction. This is quite a bleak picture but unfortunately true. A good deal of your travel may be unnecessary and something you could do very well without. East is the most favourable direction.

Family : This month there is practically nothing of a favourable sort in the augury from the stars, in so far as your family welfare is concerned. There is a distinct possibility that some you would develop serious tensions in your relations with the female members of the family, particularly your wife. Here, you should use your skill and a lot of tact to keep out of trouble as best as you can. The family atmosphere even otherwise would be none too congenial, with harmony among the members nowhere in sight. Financially also, you all may not do too well. Therefore, you should be careful about your expenses.

Children : A fairly beneficial month for your children during which some of them would well go on to some outstanding achievement since the stellar influences are quite favourable. The blessings are, however, not totally unmixed, since those inclined to be stubborn may display a lot of confidence in their behaviour. Violence or such like punishments are not the answer. Patience is. Some of them would display remarkable qualities of leadership and the gifted would find enough scope for them to perform an outstanding feat, whether it be in their studies or some other extra curricular activity.


Year 2024

This year, Saturn would remain in Aquarius Sign Fifth House and Rahu in Pisces Sign Sixth House. In the beginning of the year Jupiter would be in Aries Sign Seventh House and on May 01, it would transit Taurus Sign Eighth house. Mars would have its transit with its normal motion. Venus would remain combust from April 29 to June 28.

Work, Profession : Beginning of the year would be auspicious for work and profession perspective. Combined transitory effect of Jupiter and Saturn in Seventh House stores high gains for you from your profession. There are probabilities for having novel sources of income. During this period, you would begin with a new business/work and there are probabilities for getting success. You would be recipient of cooperation of experienced and senior persons.If you are running any business in partnership, you would have desired gains and remain satisfied with the partner. There would be an addition to name and fame of persons in jobs. After April, time may turn a bit adverse. At that time your competitors and foes could create hurdles for you but you would be victorious over them because of effect of Rahu in Sixth House.

Wealth, Property : Beginning of the year would be excellent for wealth and property. There would be incessant flow of income. You would keep yourself busy in acquiring wealth with allegiance for making economic status stable and strong full cooperation of your spouse and elder brothers would be at your disposal.After April, Jupiter has its aspect on Second and Fourth Houses which indicates gain of land, buildings vehicles, gemstones and ornaments for you. Auspicious ceremonies in respect of family members and relatives would call for expenditure from your own pocket. This is favorable time for making big investment.

Family & Society : This year would bestow peace and development upon the family cooperation of your brothers would be at your hand in the beginning of the year. Jupiter in Seventh House guarantees your melodious relations with your wife. If you are bachelor, you could get married during this period. Your social status and rank would be more prestigious than at present. You would participate in social activities enthusiastically which adds ups to your prowess and valor. Your name and fame would shift from inner circle to enter circle of society along with respect and prestige.After April, a peaceful and harmonious environment of your family would be further strengthened because of aspectual effect of both Jupiter and Saturn on Second House. At that time, there are indications for addition of a member in the family. Your relation with in-laws side would not be harmonious.

Children : This year would be auspicious for children perspective. Saturn being in its own sign in Fifth House would add to prowess of your children. Your children would climb the ladder to achieve their goals by dint of their well-directed efforts and devotion. Time period is auspicious to a desired degree for your second child he/she would have all-round development. If he/she awaits marriage, it could be solemnized during this period.After April, Jupiter in Eighth House could disturb peace of mind of your children. Health of your children might also be adversely affected. This effect of health would have a negative effect on education of your children.

Health : This year would be highly auspicious for health point. Pious thoughts would crop up in your mind since propitious Jupiter has its aspect on Ascendant. You would accomplish every task in a constructive manner. Your food habits (diet) and occupations of the day would be excellent or maintaining good health. You would stick to pure vegetarian diet which makes your health more adaptive due to the effect of aspect of benefic planet on Ascendant. If there happens to be a weather borne disease, you would soon recover from it. If you are facing any health problem earlier, be very cautious since time period could become more adverse after April. Therefore, you shall have to be very much careful about your health at that time.

Career & Competition : This year would be auspicious for caner and competitive examination perspective up to a remarkable high degree. You would succeed in competitive examinations for Rahu is posited in Sixth House. Those who are engaged in electronic or hardware related professions would grab success in their professional world.Those who are in search a job would be enrolled as an employee. This year would be victorious by defeating your enemies. Businessmen could establish their own brand names. After transit of Jupiter, time period for business community might turn a bit towards adversity.

Travel & Transfer : This year would be favorable for journey perspective. There would be frequent short unimportant journeys because of aspect of Jupiter on Third House. Businessmen would undertake journeys in connection with their domain of business due to effect of Jupiter posited in Seventh House.After April, Jupiter casts its aspect on Twelfth House hence you would make a trip to a foreign country. This journeywould make a trip to a foreign country. This journey would provide you a big gain.

Religious Deeds & Propitiation of Planets : This year would be propitious for religious activities and ceremonies. In the beginning of the year, you would develop more inclination towards worship and meditation. You would accomplish a fire sacrificial ceremony (Hawan) by having company of your wife. You would also earn virtues by performing pilgrimages. Saturn being posited in Fifth House would induce enriched faith in god. After April, Jupiter would have its aspectual effect on Twelfth House. Due to this aspect, you would spend expeditiously for donations, charity and other pious deeds. By doing so, you would have a feeling of spiritual enlightenment. An expense could be done for orphanage or education of poor and needy children.

1. Adore sun and offer water to sun every day.
2. Install Shriyantra at your home and light a lamp of Ghee in front of it.
3. Distribute banana or Laddus of Basan among the poor on Thursday and observe a fast on Sunday.



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