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Surya Dev Puja


Surya Dev Puja is a Hindu ritual that is performed to worship Lord Surya, who is considered as the Sun God. This puja is usually performed on Sundays and is believed to bring good health, prosperity, and success to the devotee. When Lord Ram was tired in the battle field , he prayed to Surya to get the desired power and energy and thereby defeating Ravan. This prayer/ strotram is known as Aditya Hrudya Strotram and is widely used to also appease Lord Surya .


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Surya Dev Puja is a Hindu ritual that is performed to worship Lord Surya, who is considered as the Sun God. This puja is usually performed on Sundays and is believed to bring good health, prosperity, and success to the devotee.When Lord Ram was tired in the battle field , he prayed to Surya to get the desired power and energy and thereby defeating Ravan. This prayer/ strotram is known as Aditya Hrudya Strotram and is widely used to also appease Lord Surya .

Surya ( Sun ) is one of the nine celestial planets in vedic astrology . It is also referred to as the King of all planets. Surya rules Simha Rashi ( Leo ) and it is known for its extraordinary energy and radiance .Surya is associated with status , government , dignity, father, political power, personality, nobility ,courage ,fame, authority , career , strength.Any dosha associated with Sun gets neutralised by performing this puja. This puja also bestows blessings on fronts of  career , authority , education , fame. Aditya Hrudayam, a hymn extolling the Sun or Surya, was recited to Lord Rama on the battlefield before his battle with Ravana by the renowned sage Agastya. This famous hymn begins while Lord Rama is feeling tired while getting ready to fight. The Sun God, the celebrated king of all wins, is the subject of the enigmatic hymn.

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