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January 20 - February 18

Vedic name: Kumbha

Meaning: The Water-bearer

Type: Air-Fixed-Positive

Aquarius is the 11th Sign of the Zodiac. A symbol of all that’s humane and humanity, this Sign is modern, independent and freedom loving. While everything new and new-age enthralls the Aquarius natives, rebelliousness of any sort liberates them.

  • Aquarius is known as the Sign of discoverers, inventors, adventurers and visionaries. Amiable and cheery by disposition, Aquarius-born tend to have a plenty of social charm. Yet, they lack the depth required to strike and cultivate truly profound relationships. That is why, the Aquarius natives may have a lot of acquaintances, but may have a very few close friends.
  • Their social charm, nonetheless, in non-negotiable, and they are also, very often, perceived as pretty attractive by the opposite sex. But, again in love, the Aquarius may never feel as immersed as a Pisces will – for to them (Aquarius) it’s the whole wide world that’s important and vital.
  • Most of them, thus, have a mission or a larger cause on their mind. Even if some Aquarius may seem to lead an entirely mundane life, on some digging, you would find that they have attached, somehow, themselves to a charitable cause.
  • Generous and compassionate, the Aquarius, however, are very different from Pisces or Cancer – the other two Signs, perceived as very kind. Aquarius are more practical, and have a keen eye, which is easily able to see through deception and betrayal.
  • Nonetheless, as parents, spouses or friends, Aquarius-born are very supportive and encouraging; they also are often ‘the go to frontier’ for many – the ones (Aquarius) who will always be ready to help with genuine, unbiased advice and a practically contagious optimism
  • Ruling planet: Saturn and Uranus
  • Element: Air
  • Quality: Stability
  • Symbol: A man emptying/ carrying a water pot/ The Water Bearer.
  • The Symbol denotes: Waters of life, the beneficence of fresh water to nurture the mankind on earth.
  • Characteristics: Masculine, Humane, Scientific, Eloquent, Intuitive and Noteworthy
  • Qualities: Leadership skills, truthful, scientific, sincere, earnest, humane, cooperative, unbiased, inventive, philosophical, intuitive, pleasant, considerate, progressive.
  • Undesirable Personality Traits: Gullible, extremist, inconsistent, detached, cold, stubborn, unpredictable, aloof.
  • Birth Stone: Amethyst and Blue Sapphire
  • Birth Colors: Electric Blue, Grey, Ultramarine Blue
  • Lucky Numbers: 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26, 31, 35
  • Compatible Signs: Gemini, Libra
  • Lucky Day: Saturday
  • Deepest need: To know and to bring in the new; To experiment and innovate
  • Quality most needed: For Balance, Warmth, Feeling and Emotion
  • Associated Flowers and Plants: Orchids, Fruit Trees
  • Best Sign/s for marriage and/or partnerships: Leo
March 15 2024

Today is the day to get rid of from all your tensions and problems. You will enjoy the day with your family and friends. You may participate in a social gathering or any family function. You might purchase a new vehicle or might get some money from parents. Your relation with mother will be good. This is the time to increase your savings.


March – Week 2

This week all your energies will be directed to attain the prosperity, progress and unity in the family. From the beginning of the month there would be great signs of attachment, harmony and mutual cooperation in the family. The support of family members shall help you consolidate your saving potential in the mid of the week.The cooperation of your children and advice of mother would prove instrumental for enhancing prosperity in the family. There is possibility of celebration of some auspicious ceremony in the middle of the week. There would be few problems of mood swings in the mid of the week however it shall be an auspicious Muhurat for worshipping goddess Kali. In the mid of the week you are advised not to get into any type of argument with anybody as otherwise your mental peace might get affected unnecessarily. Your health shall remain perfectly fine throughout the week. During weekend days you would be spending lot of time with your kith and kin. You would be getting affection of your friends and relatives.


March 2024

Health : Not much encouragement for your health this month in the combination of stars that faces you. Bouts of sudden acute illness, though of short duration, could bother those prone to such afflictions. These should be promptly treated. Dental care should receive far greater priority and every precaution taken to ensure that healthy teeth and gums are maintained. This month, such attention would be more than normally necessary. Psychologically, also, there could be some problems like nervous tension and such like disorders. Calm and balance should be maintained, with a special effort to remain positive and cheerful.

Finance : Nothing very favourable about your financial prospects, according to the augury, from the stars this month. You would tend to quarrel with your superiors creating an impasse in your relations with them, which could well result in a serious loss to you. Take care, therefore, to prevent such an eventuality by taking whatever preventive measures you can think of. Speculation would also result in almost certain losses for some of you. If would therefore be a good idea to stay away from gambling of any type. The climate would also not be congenial for making investment or for launching any new ventures. Such plans should as such, be shelved for the time being.

Profession : Not a very favourable augury for your professional prospects this month. You are likely to feel quite secure, and may in all likelihood change your job or at last effect a major change in your operations, whether in business or service. There is also a very high degree of probability that you would get into conflicts with your superiors or seniors. This should be averted, since it can only compound your woes. There would also be a lot of hard work, which would not only, under the circumstances fail to get you the desired results, but also leave you a deeply dissatisfied person. Try to act with a certain amount of stability and avoid mercurial behaviour.

Education : This month your educational pursuits are unlikely to have smooth sailing, since the configuration of stars facing you is none too favourable. Most of you would have the drive and motivation required for success. This would deprive your efforts of the essential competitive edge. Therefore, those appearing for any competitive examination should go in for extra coaching.Technical students and students of medicine would have to work much harder than usual to maintain their ranking. Those studying crafts or some technical trades would remain largely unaffected by the adverse spell of circumstances. Further, there is a distinct possibility that all examination results of most of you would be below expectations, to say the least.

Travel : An excellent month during which you can look forward a good deal of highly profitable travel since the stars are in mood to bless you. This month you could have a lot of confidence and the guts to take bold decisions. You would travel alone mostly by rail or by road with a fair measure of air travel.A foreign visit also cannot be ruled out. Part of these would be related to your job or business and the rest would be for pleasure and other reasons. You would be eminently successful in all this. Satisfied with your travels you could also have a pleasant time. The most favourable direction would be east.

Family : There is very little to cheer the heart in the augury from the stars this month in so as far as your family welfare is concerned. Mounting expenses could take a heavy toll of your family finances, landing you in a very difficult situation, in fact one in which you might have to resort to heavy followings. Plan your expenses carefully well in advance. This would help in a big way to get out of trouble. The family atmosphere would not remain very pleasant either, and harmony among the members would be nowhere in sight. In such circumstances, as often happens, children would be the worst sufferers. Pay special attention to them.

Children : A month during which the affairs of your children would get bogged down in difficulties since the stellar influences affecting them would be mostly negative. There is a distinct possibility of an injury or some other physical trouble to the wards of all of you. The adventurously inclined and sports people would be particularly vulnerable. Such among your wards should be guided in a manner so that they do not take any risks. Further, there is the likelihood of some serious disputes with servants and such like people. This could assume serious proportions and therefore, parents should take preventive measures.


Year 2024

This year, Saturn would remain in Aquarius Sign Ascendant and Rahu in Pisces Sign Second House. In the beginning of the year Jupiter would be in Aries Sign Third House and on May 01, it would transit Taurus Sign Fourth house. Mars would have its transit with its normal motion. Venus would remain combust from April 29 to June 28.

Work, Profession : This year, avoid every decision involving any sort of risk in profession or service. Beginning of the year would be fruitful up to a high degree as regards work and profession. You would pocket a handsome gain from business because of combined aspectual effect of Jupiter and Saturn on Seventh House. You would be recipient of cooperation from high officials senior and experienced persons which enable you to perform something differently in your profession. If you are carrying on any business in partnership them desired gains and profits would favor you. You would be satisfied with your partner.After April, the persons in jobs could be promoted and transferred to their desired places. As soon as Jupiter transits, some latent foes might become active in field of your work and profession. They would create some obstructions and problems in domain of your profession. But by dint of your confidence and working proficiencies, you would be able to find solution of these problems.

Wealth, Property : Beginning of the year would be almost favorable for economic perspective. But do not be in haste for taking decisions involving any sort risk. In the beginning of the year aspect of Jupiter on Eleventh House would maintain incessant flow of income. But Rahu posited in Twelfth House would offer hindrances your economic status to be strong and stable. All of a sudden, there would be unexpected expenses which would disturb equilibrium of your budget.After April, Jupiter would transit Eighth House. At that time you might draw comforts from land, buildings and vehicles etc. Aspectual effect of Jupiter on Eighth House strongly indicates gain of ancestral property. Cumulative wealth or bagging of fortune from in-laws side.

Family & Society : Beginning of the year would be favorable for society point of view. Your prowess and working proficiencies would look forward because of aspect of Saturn on Jupiter in Third House. You would participate in social activities eagerly and enthusiastically and also accomplish programs for social welfare and upliftment. This would take your social prestige to a higher pedestal. From April, because of transit of Jupiter in fourth House, your family environment would be congenial. Your family environment would be congenial. You would have cooperation of all family members including parents. Relations with in-laws side would be melodious.

Children : This year would be just an average on for the children. In the beginning of the year, your children would leap to a step of success by dint of their hard work. They would achieve their aims and objectives on the basis of their mental capabilities.
This year is remarkable auspicious for your second child. If he/she have inclination for your second child. If he/she have enrolment in a high profile educational institution is imminent. If your second child is of marriageable age, make arrangements for his/her marriage.

Health : This year would not be favorable for health perspective. Saturn posited in Ascendant would maintain a state of ups and downs in your health. Due to over indulgence in social activities, you would not be worried about your health. Regularity and punctuality for taking meals would also not be adhered to. As a result your health might deteriorate at a faster pace.Aspect disciplined life style and consume balanced diet. Don’t be careless at all. Don’t over strain yourself and have worries about any economic issue otherwise this would load your mind with unnecessary distress and anxiety. It would be advantageous to stroll or take exercises early in the morning.

Career & Competition : This year would be ranked average for competitive examination perspective because for attaining success, you shall have to put in untiring efforts. Student would be more inclined towards studies.Lethargic attitude would be a strong barrier for achieving success. Those natives who are not yet find their name or pay rolls shall have to wait for some more time.

Travel & Transfer : In the beginning of the year, due to transitory effect of Jupiter in Third House, long journeys would be undertaken along with short and insignificant journey.After April, the natives residing far away from their native places could visit their birth places. Aspect of Jupiter on Twelfth House would initiate a foreign journey for you.

Religious Deeds & Propitiation of Planets : In the beginning of the year, you would take deep interest in activities for worship of god since Jupiter casts its aspect on Ninth House. You would also do regular worships every day. After transit of Jupiter, You could more faith in Mantra and Tanra. Due to effect of Jupiter in Fourth House, you would perform some worship or Hawan etc. for having peace, comforts, prosperity and harmony in domestic life.

1. Offer water to Sun every day.
2. Donate black articles/items in charity on Saturday.
3. Offer Doorva to Ganesh ji on Wednesday and recite the following Mantra “Om GanGanpatayeNamah”.


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