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March 21 - April 19

Vedic name: Mesha 

Meaning:The Ram

Type:  Fire-Cardinal-Positive

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and is also known as the zodiac’s infant. The sign marks the birth, is the apex of the zodiac, and is one of the most active signs. It kicks off the full zodiac wheel as well as the spring season.

  • The indigenous are natural leaders, cheerful, and incredibly sociable people who are steadfast in their commitments and have an instant smile. Aries are noted for their fervour and zealousness. They are prepared to be the hero of the activity or event, fly away, and take several risks. As a result, winning them over in an argument or taking the lead in a conversation is difficult.

  • Natives are always on the front lines of the struggle against injustice. Aries people are often eager to start things. They enjoy taking on challenges and making the impossible happen. Their ultimate goal is to be first in all of the duties and activities in which they participate.

  • As the infant sign of the zodiac circle, innocence is a natural attribute that softens the native’s ego-centric attitude and assertiveness. Many times, they are courageous in taking the uncharted path that leads to their victory.

  • Aries people are also full of energy and dynamism. They are naturally charismatic, which allows them to easily persuade and lead others.Aries natives are devoted partners who are devoted to their partners. When the indigenous, both men and women, fall in love, they confess their sentiments without hesitation. The newborn of the zodiac is affectionate and lavishes lavishly and endlessly on their love partner and loved ones.

  • Natives, expect the same amount of love and affection from their partner, and if this is not provided, they are discouraged and disappointed. The natives strive to understand and respect their love partner, but only until they receive the love and attention they expect from the relationship.


  • Ruling Planet: Mars
  • Element: Fire
  • Quality: Cardinal
  • Symbol: The Ram
  • The Symbol denotes: Cheerful, carefree, boastful and confident behaviour along with a combative, rash and hasty approach.
  • Characteristics: Masculine, positive, adventurous, focused, passionate
  • Noteworthy Qualities: Enthusiastic, Industriousness, enterprise, courage, dynamism, ambition, inspiration, leadership, action-orientation, pioneering spirit.
  • Undesirable Personality Traits: Audacity, impatience, imprudence, egocentric and selfish approach, hastiness, recklessness.
  • Birth Stone: Red, Aquamarine
  • Birth Colors: All shades of red
  • Lucky number: 6,7
  • Compatible Signs: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius
  • Lucky Day: Tuesday
  • Deepest need: Action
  • Quality most needed for balance: Patience and Caution.
  • Associated flowers and plants: Calendula, Red Rose
  • Best Sign/s for marriage and or partnerships: Leo, Pisces, Virgo
March 15 2024

Today you will feel courageous and might try some extra ordinary tasks. You might go on short journeys. Financial position will be average. Be cautious about health. If you are planning to buy a vehicle then you should postpone it. Your relation with your spouse shall be full of tension due to hot argument with him/her.


March – Week 2

In the beginning of the week you would find yourself slightly better in association with your family members but even then the lack of confidence would not let you enjoy life peacefully. In addition to that it would be difficult for you to bring in effective solution for the rectification of issues related to scarcity of funds and lack of harmony in the family. The mid days of the week shall be good enough to enjoy life with friends, siblings and relatives. Your family atmosphere would also improve and you would be attending all social gatherings. The concluding part of the week is not favorable for your state of mind, general happiness, health of mother and domestic issues would trouble you. The worries related to maintenance of house and vehicle would also not let you concentrate at work. The increased expenses would also add to your worries. Children related worrieswould be more painful.



March 2024

Health : This month the stars facing you have a lot that is encouraging for your health. Any tendency to tooth trouble of one kind or the other can be expected to become far less bothersome. There is, however, a note of caution against over-exertion, since this could easily upset a favourable and positive scene; chalk out a fresh schedule, that does not unduly tax your system.Any neglect and carelessness on this score could be quite bad for your health. The rest is all good. A tendency to nervousness would also not bother those already predisposed in this manner. A fairly beneficial month during which you are unlikely to face any serious health hazard.

Finance : A very helpful, month in so far as your financial prospects are concerned. Many of you would reap a rich harvest of sudden gains, that are likely to come your way. Others would gain from speculative activity, making handsome profits. Most of you would be able to derive quick, useful results from your efforts. Others among you would have a way of handling your juniors or subordinates that would enable you to derive optimum benefit from their services. This could well be the most important gain in a month that is even otherwise quite gainful. Further, there is a distinct possibility of substantial profit through a service or favour done to you by some old gentleman.

Profession : A month full of interesting possibilities for career advancement since the stars appear to be in an obliging mood. You would tend to work very hard to realize your goals, which you will go for with business-like efficiency. In this process you might shift the venue of operations, whether it be a job or business. This would all be for the better. There would in addition be a good deal of travel. This also would prove quite beneficial, for both purposes the most favourable direction would be west. There might be some feeling of insecurity, which could trouble you a little. In fact, there is an outside chance that some of you would be inclined to operate outside the law for quick gains. Such tendencies should be firmly curbed.

Education : There is nothing particularly beneficial, about the augury from the stars this month, in so far as your educational prospects concerned. Practically all examination results of most of you would be below expectations, to say the last. Most of you would also have to struggle quite a bit for the realization of your goals. Even then, not much success may come your way. But there is always hope for those who persevere in the face of adverse circumstances. Technical students and students, medicine would have to work much harder than usual to maintain their ranking. Those sitting for competitive examinations would achieve success, though only after a great deal of hard work.

Travel : Nothing particularly favourable about the augury from the stars, in so far as gains from travel are concerned. This month your travels would be divided almost equally for job and business purposes and those for other reasons. You would tend to travel alone mostly by road and by rail with a fair measure of travel. A foreign trip also cannot be ruled out. Whatever the reason or manner of your travel, it is quite certain that not even a fraction of the stipulated gains would be realized, therefore, it would be wise to think over your travel plans carefully. East would be the most favourable direction.

Family : The affairs of your family are unlikely to have smooth sailing this month, since the stellar influences are all negative. There is a distinct possibility that some people below you in the social strata could create trouble for you all, to the point of causing serious harm. Deal with the situation firmly, and do not let matters get out of hand.The family atmosphere would even otherwise be far from pleasant, and harmony among the members nowhere in sight. Bleak circumstances that are bound to effect you all adversely, but no one as much as the children. Under the circumstances you should pay special attention to them.

Children : There is nothing of a beneficial nature in the augury from the stars in so far as your children’s prospect are concerned. There is a distinct possibility of the wards of a good number of you all getting into fights or some serious disputes with servants and such people. Parents would have to use their direction and firmly discipline their wards in some cases.To add to your woes, most of them would not perform very well at their studies. Most of them would therefore, not only need a lot of encouragement, but also a measure of extra coaching. This would apply particularly to those appearing for competitive examinations.


Year 2024
This year, Saturn would remain in Aquarius Sign Eleventh House and Rahu in Pisces Sign Twelfth House. In the beginning of the year Jupiter would be in Aries Sign (Ascendant) and on May 01, it would transit Taurus Sign Second house. Mars would have its transit with its normal motion. Venus would remain combust from April 29 to June 28. Work, Profession : Beginning of the year would be auspicious from work and profession perspective. You would have noticeable progress in your professional world and domain of work as Jupiter has its aspect on Seventh House. This would add to your income. There are indications for having novel ways of income. It is an auspicious time to start a new business/venture. Jupiter in Ascendant would clear the path for developing novel views and planning which could be availed of and you might take your business to new heights. At present, your luck also stands by you so you might attain success in minimum possible time.The effect of Rahu in Twelfth House could instigate your latent foes to create problems and hindrances in your work. But by applying your wit and intelligence, you would succeed in overcoming them. Still you must go on accomplishing your tasks without vesting faith in anybody. Those who are in service would get success after April. There would be enhancement in respect, prestige and reverence along with promotions for those who are in service. Wealth, Property : Beginning of the year would be auspicious for economic perspective. Due to favorable factors for business, there would be enhancement in gaining wealth. Saturn posited in Eleventh House could create gains for you by your brothers. You would be recipient of gem stones and ornament etc. after April month. You could get your long outstanding money. Celebration of auspicious ceremonies in the family could cause an expenditure of money.Be cautious as far as investment in concerned because of Rahu in Twelfth House. If you are desirous of making investments, it is vital to seek opinion of experienced persons. Do not take any important decision in haste or all of a sudden. Accomplish your all tasks in a well-planned way. Family & Society : This year would see rising sun as far as family perspective is concerned. Peace and harmony would prevail in your family. A feeling of mutual understanding and cooperation would crop up among the members of the family and this ensures emotional attachment with each other.After April, there could be an increase in number of family members. This increase would be either by a marriage or a birth. Brother would extend their full cooperation. Your status and prestige in society would be on rising steps. Your relations with your maternal uncle and maternal aunt would be highly loving, harmonious and melodious. Children : Beginning of the year would be highly auspicious. For combined aspectual effect of Jupiter and Saturn on Fifth House, your children would pave a path of progress. More interest towards their studies would develop. It is most appropriate time for impregnation.If your progeny is running in marriageable age, she could celebrate her marriage ceremony. Time period is much favorable for your second child. Your Children would get distinguishable success in domain of their work. You would be proud of your children. Health : Beginning of the year would be quite favorable for health point of view. Because of Jupiter in Ascendant, your health would be in a fine tuning. Pious thoughts would always crop up in your mind which provides your mental balance and satisfaction. You would have an addition to your positive energy.Pay special attention to your food habits and make your daily routine a planned one. Weather borne diseases would not east any significant effect. Time period after transit of Jupiter would turn more favorable. Most of your time would be spent on undertaking journeys because of Rahu in Twelfth House. Still no adverse effect would be on your health. Career & Competition : This year would cast its spell for success in competitive examinations. If you are ambitious for seeking admission in a highly reputed institution to receive admission in a highly reputed institution to receive higher education then beginning of the year is very much auspicious this purpose.Time period is conducive for students as Jupiter has its aspectual effect on Fifth House. After transit of Jupiter, competitors would get success in competitive examinations. Time period after April is auspicious for employment. Travel & Transfer : This year would be auspicious for journey perspective. There are probabilities for long journeys in the beginning of the year. There are indications for foreign journeys because Rahu is posited in Twelfth House. Be cautious for your health while undertaking a journey.Religious Deeds & Propitiation of Planets : Beginning of the year would be auspicious for performing religious deeds. Because of aspect of Jupiter on Ninth House, Your spiritual knowledge would add up a new chapter. This would enhance your interest in worship and other religious ceremonies. You could take a Guru Mantra and do meditation. 1. Wear DurgaKawach Path every day. 2. Install Sphatik Shree Yantra in your house and light a lamp of Ghee in front of it every day. 3. On Wednesday, offer jaggery kept in bread to a black dog so that dog eats this bread.

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