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June 22 - July 22

Vedic name: Karka

Meaning: The Crabs

Type: Water-Cardinal-Negative

Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac, enjoys running deep. It is one of the greatest astrological mysteries in the zodiac. As a mother, it is a feminine sign and archetype. The sign is strongly linked to their moods and emotions. It is a delicate sign influenced by affectionate thoughts and wants

  • Cancer natives are caring and matriarchal, sensitive and little dependent. They are the nurturer of the zodiac circle who are tenaciously loyal and loving. They are hard and insensitive from outside but very soft and sensitive from inside.

  • They usually cry because of their fragile and vulnerable heart. They offer empathy and can sit for long hours with closed ones. Typically, they are one step forward, two steps back. They intensely live in the past in their memories and in the future in their imaginations. They fiercely hold themselves and their dear ones.

  • Cancer natives synchronize their passing moods to waning and waxing of the Moon and hence possess the mysterious influence of it. They keep on fluctuating highs and lows. They are constant on inconsistency and possess dependable periodicity. Funny Cancerians giggle and gurgle very loudly and can laugh for a minute continuously. They come up with good jokes and their funny side is startling and pops up incongruously from their quiet and gentle personality.

  • They have an uncanny sense of publicity. It is only noticed when they are pleased. They secretly enjoy the attention. They will soak up all kinds of headlines they get. They won’t pursue fame with passion but certainly won’t shrink from it. They give a cranky answer at times and come up with occasional crabby spells when they are disappointed. When this disappointment gets over, they come back with their own sweet, gentle and understanding self.

  • Ruling Planet : The Moon
  • Element: Water
  • Quality : Cardinal
  • Symbol:The Crabs
  • The Symbol denotes: Possession, retention and nurturing. It also symbolizes motherhood.
  • Characteristics:Cold, phlegmatic, feminine
  • QualitiesPatience, tenacity, domesticity, kindness, devotion, versatility, adaptability, patriotism, sociability and maternity
  • Undesirable Personality Traits: Untruthfulness, unpredictability, sentimental, pride, untidiness, resentment, vanity and laziness..
  • Birth Stone: Moonstone
  • Birth ColorsSilver, white, sea-green, light blue, puce
  • Lucky Number: 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25
  • Compatible Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces
  • Lucky Day: Monday
  • Deepest Need: A harmonious home and family life
  • Quality most needed for balance: Mood control
  • Associated Flowers and Plants: White Roses
  • Best Sign/s for marriage and or partnerships: Capricorn and Taurus
March 15 2024

Income will balance your expenditures. This shall be average day for income and business. Your love life is likely to improve. Long journey shall get cancelled. If you are a student then any classmate will help you in studies. If you are planning to get or buy a house then you should postpone it.



March – Week 2

The beginning of the week shall be more frustrating however the possibility of some sudden financial gains would restore your happiness and confidence. This time is favorable for getting some ray of hope regarding secret gain. The mid part of the week is auspicious for worshiping goddess Kali. This special prayer would bring favor of destiny. You are likely to visit the temple of any black God or Goddess. This time is highly favorable to do the remedies for the rectification of problems caused by malefic planets. The remaining part of the week is giving indication of betterment on professional front with the hidden support of seniors. Your unique talent of management in handling the complicated issues would win special recognition as you would earn fame by turning government and authority in your favor but remember some seniors shall be jealous of you and they might develop a tendency to conspire against you so don’t disclose your plan of action to others.


March 2024

Health : This month there are no blessing for your health, from the stars. Hence, the need for greater caution and care. Those with predisposition to piles should remain very careful about their food and treatment. Carelessness would add to your woes. Any predisposition to colds and discharge of excess of mucous may tend to get aggravated. Here, again, prompt attention and remedial measures could be needed to set things right. Afflictions like stone and a liability to fistula would also require greater attention as will also your teeth. Take proper care of your teeth during this period, since this could also bother you.

Finance : The combination of stars facing you this month is anything but favourable for your financial prospects. Speculation is almost certainly going to result in losses for some of you. It would, therefore, be a good idea to stay away from gambling of any variety. There are also grounds, to predict that you would tend to be quarrelsome with your superiors to such an extent that your relations with them nose-dive, resulting in serious losses for you. This is something you can avoid if you try. With appropriate advance action, prevent such an eventuality from taking place. This month the climate would not be congenial for making investment or for launching any new projects.

Profession : This month you would have excellent opportunities for career advancement. Hard work will almost be the hallmark of this month. You would be so engrossed in the realization of your objectives that for the completion of your task no effort would be spared. And this will bring considerable success this month.There would also be a good deal of travel, which would also prove quite beneficial. The most favourable direction is north. Apart from travel you would also in all probability change the venue of your operations whether it be a job or business. This would also be for the betterment of your prospects which will come about this month. All told, a fairly beneficial month.

Education : This month your pursuits in education are likely to flounder quite a bit, since you have an unfavourable combination of stars facing you. Most of you would lack the drive and motivation required for success. This would deprive your efforts of the competitive edge. Therefore, those sitting for competitive examinations should go in for extra coaching.Technical students and students of medicine would have to put in much more effort than usual to maintain their ranking. Those studying crafts or some technical trade would remain largely unaffected, by the adverse spell of circumstances. All examination results of most of you are likely to be below expectations.

Travel : A month during which you can look forward to reaping a rich harvest of gains, since the stars favour this. This month you would have a lot of self confidence and guts to take hold of decisions. You would chalk out a travel plan intensively that would bring in very handsome gains.You would tend to travel alone mostly by train and by road with a fair measure of air travel. A trip abroad can also not be ruled out. Not all your sojourns would be for business reasons. Whatever the aim, you would realize it. East is the most favourable direction.

Family : This month, for the affairs of your family there is much to cheer the heart in the augury from the stars. This month, you can look forward to celebrating an addition to the family with fun and merriment. The family atmosphere would remain quite pleasant with harmony among the members.This would have an extremely pleasant impact on the children who would not only behave in a good-natured manner but would also perform well in their studies and other extra-curricular activities. This would naturally be a source of great satisfaction to all the family members.

Children : A month during which the affairs of your childrens would pose a number of problems for parents since the stars are not too beneficially disposed. There is a distinct possibility of some injury or some sort of physical trouble to a good number of the wards of your people.Those who are adventurously inclined or sports people would be especially prone to this. Parents must therefore, see that risks are minimized as much as possible. Further, there is the likelihood of some of them getting in to fights or disputes with servants and such like people.


Year 2024

This year, Saturn would remain in Aquarius Sign Eighth House and Rahu in Pisces Sign Ninth House. In the beginning of the year Jupiter would be in Aries Sign Tenth House and on May 01, it would transit Taurus Sign Eleventh house. Mars would have its transit with its normal motion. Venus would remain combust from April 29 to June 28, Venus would remain combust.

Work, Profession : This year would be auspicious for work and profession perspective. In the beginning of the year, Jupiter has transitory effect on Tenth House which would bestow upon you significant gains from domain of your work. There would be a new direction for profession because of association with an experienced partner and hence a handsome gain would bagged from profession. Those who are in service would get promotion in their ranks. After April, Jupiter in Eleventh House could add to quantum of income from your entrepreneur. Higher officials and senior persons would extend their cooperation to you. Saturn posited in Eighth House indicates hindrances in your profession but you would overcome the situation by applying your wits and intelligence.

Wealth, Property : Beginning of the year yield sweet fruits for wealth and property perspectives, combined aspectual effect of Jupiter and Saturn on Second House would offer you land, buildings, ornaments, vehicles and gem stones. Besides having income, expenditure on, articles of physical comforts and amenities would also be incurred.After April, due to transitory effect of Jupiter in Eleventh House, you could get back your long pending money. There would be enhancement in having income and wealth capital would grow because of more investments. There might be expenditure on marriage of brother, sister or son.

Family & Society : Beginning of the year would be a blessing for family perspective. An environment of peace and harmony would prevail in your family for Jupiter has its aspect on Fourth House. You would enjoy a feeling of cooperation from all members of your family including parents. There would be reformation in your style of conversation and hence behavior. After April, you would be recipient of success in your love affairs. You would develop more melodious relations with your spouse. Due to aspectual effect of Jupiter on Third House, your social image would be more illuminated and you would accomplish something peculiar for the welfare of the society.

Children : The beginning of the year would have auspicious of average level for children point of view. Your children would climb up steps of success by dint of their hard work. After April, Jupiter aspects Fifth House which strongly indicates probabilities for progeny to newly wedded couples.Your children would pave a path of progress. Good news would be received in respect of your first child. There are favorable indications for progress in domain of education. If your children are of marriageable age then possibilities do exist for their wedlock ceremony. This year would be of average grade for your second child.

Health : This year would yield an average crop for health perspective. You would not be able to have mental balance and peace. Saturn posited in eighth house could give troubles by developing weather borne diseases off and on. State of lethargy, mental distress and other such minor problems would be faced.After April, propitious Jupiter would transit auspicious place which would create a well-adapted system for your good health. To maintain a good health, adopt vegetarian diet. Take regular exercises along with vegetarian food and balanced diet.

Career & Competition : This year would be highly auspicious for competitive examination perspective. The students undertaking competitive examinations would combust with flying colors as Jupiter and Saturn, both aspects Sixth House simultaneously. There are indications for getting employment.After April, time period is auspicious for professional education. Interest for studies would be inculcated among the students. Achieve your aims and objectives by focusing your mind at the target.

Travel & Transfer : This year would be good for journey perspective. Rahu in Ninth House would induce long journeys many times. In the beginning of the year, you could visit your birth place.After April, you would also undertake some short and unimportant journeys. Since Jupiter has its aspect on Seventh house, so businessmen would perform journeys related to their business.

Religious Deeds & Propitiation of Planets : This year would prove propitious for religious deeds. You would not be devoting due time for worship and meditation because of over involvement in prior engagements. After April, aspectual effect of Jupiter on Fifth House would develop your propensity towards worship and faith in god.

1. Offer bread to black dog.
2. Offer long robe to Hanuman ji every Tuesday and recite Hanuman Chalisa.


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