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December 22 - January 19

Vedic name: Makara

Meaning: The Goat

Type: Earth-Cardinal-Negative

Capricorn, the upward climbing, always forward moving Mountain Goat, represents the tenth Sign of the Zodiac. Committed to responsibilities, Capricorn is a Sign representing the work side of life. Often calm, to the degree of appearing slightly cold, meticulous and dogged in their persistence for quality and productivity, Capricorn individuals are often a notch above their counterparts.

  • Prodigious and confident, Natives are hard working, sincere, soft hearted yet sticklers for quality. Most of them are blessed with a deep wisdom, understanding and stability of thought and action from an early age. However, this does not make them boring or staid – even though a bit slow to truly flower.

  • In fact, born with the wisdom of mature adults,  they grow older and tend to hark back to childhood in all its glory. Blame it on their ruler, the slow moving, discipline-loving, blossoming when the struggle is the hardest – Saturn! So, you may find a young Cappy somewhat dull, even lazy and tedious, thinner, shorter or weaker than his/ her peers (or fatter, for that matter) – in short, a misfit – working most nights, unwilling to go out, guarded and closed.

  • However, as this Capricorn gets to the other side of 30, you may see him/ her changing his/ her streaks altogether. This is when you will see the sparkly, lively side of the Capricorn-borns. Patience, achievement, practicality and security net are their buzzwords. They may even act selfishly, if they don’t get what they want. However, love for them is special.

  • It is a lot about stability and commitment, so from an early age, marriage is on the natives minds. Loyal and caring towards their loved ones, the Capricorn individuals, though, will even pass up love for duty and virtue.

  • Ruling Planet : Saturn
  • Element: Earth
  • Quality : Cardinal
  • Symbol: The Goat
  • The Symbol denotes: Shyness, capacity to stay focused and reach goals
  • Characteristics: Kind, Feminine, Detached
  • Qualities: Wise, Dignified, Cautious, Practical, Thoughtful, Diplomatic, Profound, Positive, Ambitious, Focused, Magnetic.
  • Undesirable Personality Traits: Nervous, Jealous, Selfish, Suspicious, Authoritative, Gloomy, Prone to Depression and Discontent.
  • Birth Stone: Blue Sapphire, Amethyst 
  • Birth Colors: Black, Indigo
  • Lucky Number: 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62
  • Compatible Signs: Taurus, Virgo
  • Lucky Day: Saturday
  • Deepest Need: To manage, take charge and administrate
  • Quality most needed for balance: Warmth, Spontaneity, a Sense of Fun
  • Associated Flowers and Plants: Sturdy Plants, Bamboo, Marigold, Mountain Flowers
  • Best Sign/s for marriage and or partnerships : Cancer
March 15 2024

Today is the day of getting success in education. Those in service will do their work with full confidence. Your health will be good. You will feel joy and enthusiasm. You might attend a social gathering or family function. Businessman shall go on long journey to expand their business. Players will achieve some honor or medal in their game.


March – Week 2

The beginning of the week is indicating attachment with family and an increase in your saving potential. You can expect prosperity in the family. You would speak sweetly with all as a result of which you would be enjoying the support and cooperation of all. In the mid of the week the physical and mental health shall be perfect. Your working efficiency shall get enhanced with the moral support of family members. In addition to that your social activities would earn you lot of reputation. You will put in great efforts for strengthening your business skills. The concluding part of the week indicates that you would be taking interest in making some development in matters related to property. This is also a right time for the repair of vehicle or maintenance of house. You need to take care of the health of your mother.


 March 2024

Health : This month a favourable set of circumstances would create encouraging prospects for your health. Those predisposed to chronic disorders like rheumatism and irregularities like flatulence and excess of wind in the digestive tract would get significant relief. This means that merely normal precaution would ensure that such troubles don’t bother you.There are grounds, however, to be careful about any persistent throat trouble. This should be seriously investigated for complications, and thereby treated without any carelessness. Any failure to do this could upset a pleasant and favourable health situation. Apart from this, you do not have any serious grounds for anxiety.

Finance : This month, you would have excellent opportunities for financial advancement, since the combination of stars facing you is quite favourably inclined. Musicians, actors, painters, dramatists, and other practitioners of the arts are likely to have a particularly productive spell during this coming month both financially and in terms of creative output.In fact, times would be very favourable, and some of you can expect to reap a rich harvest of sudden gains. Speculation would also prove beneficial and bring in good profits. There is the additional likelihood of some member of the female sex doing you a good turn which may well prove to be a financial boon.

Profession : Nothing very encouraging about your career prospects in the configuration of stars that faces you this month. You would be obsessed by a feeling of insecurity in relation to your profession. This would effect all your actions connected with your business or job.Quite possibly you could find yourself working very hard for your objectives, and these would still elude you. You would go in for a change of job, or considerably alter your business operations. All this would, however, leave you unsatisfied. There is the further possibility of a serious conflict with your superiors. This should be averted to the best of your ability. Try to foresee difficult situations and take remedial action well in time.

Education : An excellent month for your educational pursuits, since dame fortune is in a mood to bless you. Those pursuing dance, drama, music, painting, sculpture and the other arts are likely to have an inspired spell of creative activity, which will bring notable success to at least a few of you. Technical students would also fare very well.Those pursuing crafts and some technical trades would have much cause to be extremely satisfied with their performance. Candidates for competitive examinations would be able to achieve their objectives, but only after a great deal of effort. In fact, in all the success, for most of you, there would be a great deal of hard work involved.

Travel : This month gains from travel may be quite difficult to come by, since the augury from the stars is not favourable on this score. Singers, painters, dancers and other artists may not find their travels as productive as usual. In fact, some of them could face a setback on this account.You would tend to travel alone and do so mostly by rail or by road, with a fair measure of air travel. A foreign trip also cannot be ruled out. Most of this would be connected to your business or job, though it is quite certain that the desired ends would not be achieved by these efforts. East is the most favourable direction.

Family : An excellent month for your family affairs during which there would be much promising material in store, since the stars are quite favourably disposed. The chances of celebrating an auspicious occasion to celebrate an addition to the family are very bright during the coming month.The entire family environment would remain quite pleasant with harmony among the members. This would have an extremely beneficial impact on the children who would not only behave in a good-natured manner but also do well in their studies and other extra-curricular activities. This would give great satisfaction to all the family members.

Children : A month better than usual for most of you in so far as your children are concerned since the stellar influences are quite beneficial. Most children would be able to do quite well in their studies as well as in extra curricular activities in a routine sort of way. By and large, children would be a source of satisfaction to most parents. Though discipline would be a problem, with a certain amount of patience this can be solved. Most children may not respond adequately to challenges and competition. Their competitive spirit should also be in the best possible manner.


Year 2024

This year, Saturn would remain in Aquarius Sign Second House and Rahu in Pisces Sign Third House. In the beginning of the year Jupiter would be in Aries Sign Fourth House and on May 01, it would transit Taurus Sign Fifth house. Mars would have its transit with its normal motion. Venus would remain combust from April 29 to June 28.

Work, Profession : You would be recipient of notable gains from your profession because of aspect of Jupiter on Tenth House. From time to time you would also bag favor and gains from higher officials. You would be able to solve your problems by dint of working proficiencies and capabilities. You would avail a chance to work with a big company have amalgamation with the same.You would remain prompt and energetic for your daily routines and perform m very well in domain of your work. These who are doing service would be transferred at their desired suitable places. After April, time period is turning more favorable. Then you start a new business in association with someone and you could have good gains from that business. If you are trading in share market, there are indications for expected gains this year.

Wealth, Property : Beginning of the year would be auspicious for economic perspective. In the beginning of the year, Jupiter being in Fourth House could make available accumulated wealth for you such as land, buildings, vehicles etc. Aspect of Jupiter on Eighth House also indicates probabilities for acquiring ancestral property. So, there are chances for you to have ancestral property. After April, there would be incessant flow of income as propitious Jupiter has aspect on Eleventh House. You could get rid of old pending since long debts too. Auspicious ceremonies would be celebrated in the family which might call for expenditure of your money.

Family & Society : This year would be auspicious for family and society perspective. In the beginning of the year, aspect of Saturn on Jupiter in Fourth House would maintain a harmonious, congenial and conducive environment in your family. Cooperation of all members of family along with that of parents would be a part of your strength. There would be celebrations of auspicious ceremonies in the family and you play a pivotal role to make these a success.Your progress and working efficiency would have a further higher step. Since Rahu affects Third House by its presence there. Your enemies would also acknowledge your supremacy and respect you. You would accomplish some task for social upliftment and welfare.

Children : Beginning of the year would bear fruits of average size for children perspective. But after April, Jupiter would be transiting Fifth House and then time period would have favorable effects. This period is auspicious for impregnation.Children would have more interest for studies and they would easily succeed in achieving their targets. If your child is running in marriageable age, you could solemnize his/her marriage. This year would be graded as average for your second child.

Health : This year would reap a harvest of average yield as regards health. Saturn posited in Second House could tell upon your health. Don’t be much worried over economic status otherwise its negative impact would be cast on your body.After April, your time period would become favorable. You would enjoy mental balance and satisfaction for Jupiter has aspectual effect on Ascendant. If you are facing weather borne disease now and then, you would get recovered soon. To maintain a good health, consume vegetarian diet, take exercises and practice Yoga.

Career & Competition : Beginning of the year would be moderately favorable for competing students. You could have success only under drastic condition by putting in undaunted efforts. You would be more inclined towards studies but a feeling of lethargic attitude could be an obstruction in the path of success.After April, time period is excessively favorable for the students. At that time auspicious occasions would get generated for getting success. Admission in a high valued educational institution for higher studies might be possible. Also the probabilities for getting employment do exist at this time.

Travel & Transfer : This year would be favorable for journey perspective. Due to the effect of Rahu in Third House you would be long journeys. Most of your journeys would be initiated all of a sudden.There are strong indications for your journey to a foreign land because of aspectual effect of Jupiter would also visit your birth place with your family members this year.

Religious Deeds & Propitiation of Planets : This year would be exceedingly propitious for religious activities. In the beginning of the year, you would accomplish worships, fire sacrificial oblation (Hawan) and other virtuous deeds for establishing peace, comforts and prosperity at your home. After April, because of aspect of Jupiter on Ninth House, you could develop deep devotion for god innately and to boost up spiritual power religious activities like recitation of Mantra, fire sacrificial ceremony (Hawan) rituals and the like would be accomplished.

1. Offer water to Sun every day.
2. Install Shree Yantra at your home and light a lamp of Ghee in front of it and recite HaweemLakshmayeNamah Mantra every day.
3. Offer a long robe to Hanuman ji on Tuesday and recite Hanuman Chalisa every day.



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