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July 23 - August 22

Vedic name: Simha

Meaning: The Lion

Type: Fire-Fixed-Positive

Leo is the fifth sign and it is the central sign of the fiery triplicity of the zodiac circle. The sign is ruled by a proud and fierce lion. The energy of the sign is expressive and flamboyant in nature. The sign expresses bold leadership, courageous attitude, and adventurous qualities.

  • The natives under this sign are natural leaders and dazzle others with a gorgeous smile. They feel that they are monarchs among humans who rule everyone around them. They are dramatic, spontaneously creative, self-confident, extroverted, and dominant. They usually come up with dramatic statements and actions so that they can be a center of attraction.
  • The natives have a flush of pride or ego on their blush. At the same time, they are extremely difficult to resist and will achieve everything that they desire by hook and crook. Leo natives have many loyal and faithful friends. The fiery element in them will make them warm-hearted.
  • They will have a deep love for their life. They usually display their arrogant pride and their sunny playfulness at a time. They urge respect and do not prefer to take orders from others. Under whatever condition they are in, they will not defend their rights and dignities.
  • They always have in the back of their mind to make an impression on others and constantly maintain their aura of influence. Generally, they are very generous and elegant with others. They listen to others politely with a slightly patronizing style. But they never have an offending smile.
  • They possess an unconditional craving of getting attention from others. They spread warmth and happiness in their surroundings. They magnified and lit up the room and place they are in.
  • Ruling Planet : The Sun
  • Element: Fire
  • Quality : Fixed
  • Symbol:The Lion
  • The Symbol denotes: Commanding, fiery, daring and kingly, yet the generous attitude
  • Characteristics:Fiery, fixed, masculine, strong, bitter
  • QualitiesLoyalty, kindness, tolerance, generosity, inspiration, philanthropy, fearlessness, chivalry, optimism, intuitiveness, industriousness.
  • Undesirable Personality Traits: Arrogance, domination, guilelessness, fussiness, anger, sensitivity, impetuousness, impatience, bluntness.
  • Birth Stone: Ruby
  • Birth Colors: Gold, Yellow, Orange
  • Lucky Number: 1, 4, 10, 13, 19, 22, 28
  • Compatible Signs: Aries, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius
  • Lucky Day: Sunday
  • Deepest need: Elation, need to shine and rule
  • Quality most needed for balance: Humility
  • Associated Flowers and Plants: Sunflower and Marigold
  • Best Sign/s for marriage and or partnerships: Aries, Cancer,Gemini.
March 15 2024

Your working condition will improve. Your anxiety shall get removed. Your father’s health shall improve. You will be in touch with important people who will help you to make your career or working condition. Be cautious about the health of mother. Students can concentrate in their studies. You can get the property on the name of spouse. You will be busy in your work. Your mood will be romantic. You will enjoy the company of your spouse.



March – Week 2

The beginning of the week would generate bright hopes of conjugal bliss however that won’t meet your standard of expectation. The planetary transit also indicates ray of hope for the betterment of relation between husband and wife. The misunderstanding with partner is likely to come to an end. The mid days of the week are very bad for your health, happiness, confidence and patience. The order of events would bring unbearable disappointment and frustration. You would be losing your confidence and patience completely for the restoration of which you shall have to do breathing exercises and meditation and seek the advice of your parents. The remaining days of the week appear to be slightly positive as the advice of your parents, friends and in-laws shall prove fruitful. You also might go on a journey to refresh your mood. The confidence would start coming back gradually.


March 2024

Health : Not much that is encouraging for your health, in the combination of stars facing you this month. Owing to overwork and exhaustion, there is a distinct possibility of tending towards a state of general weakness and debility, with nervous disorders, further complicating matters. This should not be allowed to happen, and you should firmly refrain from unduly straining yourself.There is further reason to be very careful about your dental health, which could give you some trouble. Any bone injury, should also be promptly treated, since this, too, could lead to a troublesome situation. Overall, a fairly beneficial month for your health.

Finance : Nothing particularly favourable about your financial prospects this month, since the combination of stars facing you is none too favourable. There are clear indications that speculation would result in serious losses for some of you. The lesson is evident, that you should stay away from gambling of all varieties.Further, there is the likelihood of your relations with your superiors deteriorating to such an extent that losses become a distinct possibility. Take remedial action well in time and prevent such an eventuality. The climate would be none too favourable for making investments or for launching new projects. Such plans should therefore, be shelved for the moment.

Profession : A fruitful month in so far as your professional prospects are concerned. Practitioners of the fine arts and others of their ilk would have an extremely satisfying time. In fact, some of you may well go on to make a mark for yourselves with your contributions. There are indications that you would tend to work quite hard and go for your objectives efficiently. And in this you shall succeed.There may even be a shifting of the venue of your operations, whether business or service. Though it might be a good idea to change only after careful and serious deliberation.There would also be a fair bit of travel, which overall also would prove extremely beneficial. The most favourable direction is west.

Education : Nothing particularly favourable about the augury, from the stars in so far as your educational pursuits are concerned. This month all examination results of most of you would be below expectations, to say the least. Further, most of you would have to struggle for the realization of your objectives.Technical students and those studying medicine would have to work much harder than normal to maintain their ranking. Those pursuing crafts and technical trades would remain largely unaffected by the adverse spell of circumstances.Those sitting for competitive examinations should go in for extra coaching since this would prove to be decisive in determining the outcome of your results.

Travel : A month during which you should reap a rich harvest of gains from travel since the stars are quite helpfully placed on this. Artists of all sorts should find travel quite exciting and helpful in boosting their creative energies.This month you would tend to travel alone mainly by road and by rail with a fair measure of air travel. A trip abroad also cannot ruled out. You would travel for business as well as for other reasons but whatever the aim you would be quite successful in realizing it or just have an extremely pleasant journey. East is the most favourable direction.

Family : A month during which there is much to cheer the heart in the augury from the stars is so far as your family affairs are concerned. There are good chances of an auspicious family celebration to felicitate an addition in the family.The feeling of celebration would remain with you throughout the month, making the domestic atmosphere quite pleasant, with harmony among the members. This would effect the children in an extremely beneficial manner. They would remain good-natured and also do well in their appointed pursuits, a development that will bring a lot of happiness to the family.

Children : A month during which you might face some problem relating to your children but they would by and large be a source of satisfaction to you since the stars are quite favourably placed. No sparks of brilliance may be noticed, but in a routine sort of a way most children would register fairly impressive progress in their pursuits. Stubborn children would tend be to less so during the coming month. Parents may also have to help teenagers with decisions on important matters. A healthy disregard for authority should be allowed to pass since this would generate the capacity for initiative.


Year 2024

This year, Saturn would remain in Aquarius Sign Seventh House and Rahu in Pisces Sign Eighth House. In the beginning of the year Jupiter would be in Aries Sign Ninth House and on May 01, it would transit Taurus Sign Tenth house. Mars would have its transit with its normal motion. Venus would remain combust from April 29 to June 28.

Work, Profession : This year would be fruitful in respect of work and profession. Since Saturn is posited in Seventh House, so you would attain success in your work and profession. You would make a progress in profession because of your luck. If you are involved in a partnership business then a handsome desired gain awaits for you. As Rahu is posited in Eighth House, so your competitors might raise an ugly head to obstruct accomplishment of professional undertakings.After April, you would receive a cooperation of higher officials or senior persons. These who are in service get promotion in their respective rank. Those who are engaged in land related activities would have gains. Professional would bag a noticeable profit.

Wealth, Property : This year would yield rich crops as regard to economic perspective. You would succeed in pocketing desired savings because of favorable environment for business. In the beginning of the year, you would incur expenditure on articles/items providing physical comforts and conveniences. After April, Jupiter and Saturn both have aspect on Fourth House. This indicates acquiring of land building, vehicle along with gemstones and ornaments.There are indications for expenses on auspicious ceremonies regarding family members or relatives. If you shall have to make a considerable investment, it is indispensable for seeking advice of experienced persons of concerned field. Transit of Rahu is not favoring investment. There could be a dispute regarding ancestral property.

Family & Society : This year would be auspicious for family perspective. In the beginning of the year, due to over engagement, you would not be able to devote due time towards your family. An environment of peace and harmony would prevail in the family. Since Jupiter is aspecting Third House, so an additional a feather would be added to cap of your social prestige.After April, time period is turning more favorable for family point of view. Additional mutual cooperation understanding and emotional attachment would be experienced in the family. You would bag cooperation from senior members of the family. You would remain in merry making mood. Your attraction for the family would rise up. This time period is good for father but not so in respect of in-laws side.

Children : Beginning of the year is favorable for children perspective. Newly wedded couples would be blessed with offspring as propitious Jupiter has aspect on Fifth House. Children would prove to be providential. They would acquire higher education.If your first child has attained marriageable age, prepare yourself for celebrating his/her marriage ceremony. After April probability for admission in a high profile institution for higher education is indicated. This year would be of average grade for your second child.

Health : You would enjoy a good health in the beginning of the year. Fifth Aspect of Jupiter from Ninth House would be on ascendant and this is a very strong indication for disease fee physical body and enhancement of working proficiencies. Mental peace, happiness and pious thought would be an addition to your personal traits. You would enjoy a sound health.After transit of Jupiter, Rahu posited in Eighth House could affect your health all of a sudden. So, it is essential to be cautious about health at that time. Be selective for your eatables. You would feel physical weakness off and on. Taking exercises and practicing Yoga would prove to be a boon for you.

Career & Competition : Beginning of the year would be favorable for students. Aspectual effect of Jupiter on Fifth House is an excellent indication of children. A notable progress would be there in the field of education. Continuous efforts would be put in for higher education.After April, aspectual effect of Jupiter on Sixth House would boost up the self-confidence of these who are engaged in preparation for competitive examinations. There would be avenues for employment.

Travel & Transfer : In the beginning of the year on Third House because of aspectual effect of Jupiter some short and unimportant journeys would be undertaken. There would also be long journey since Jupiter is posited in Ninth House. These journeys would be enjoyable and fortune enhancing. Friendship with a nice person would develop during a journey.These who are in service, could be transferred. Since transit of Saturn in Eighth House is an indication for some problem, so be very cautious while performing a journey or driving a vehicle.

Religious Deeds & Propitiation of Planets : In the beginning of the year, because of effect of Jupiter in Ninth House, you would observe some special worship, fire sacrificial ceremony, religious performance, ritual, religious ceremonies with a fixed aim and the like. You would develop more propensity towards devotion to god because of Jupiter has aspect on Fifth House.

1. Donate blue articles/items in charity on Saturday and recite Rahu Mantra.
2. Rahu Mantra – “Om BhramBhreemBhrrownSah Rahway Namah”.
3. Recite DurgaSphatik Path or wear DurgaBeesaKawach in your neck.
4. Offer water to sun every day.



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