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About Numerology

Numerology known as Ank Jyotish is an important science, through  which efforts are made to know the subject and future of a person  through  numbers. In numerology, an attempt is made to present  a detailed description of various aspects of man, his ideology, subject  of life, etc. by making practical use of the rules of mathematics through the medium of numbers. In numerology, calculations are made based on the characteristics of the nine planets Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Uranus, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Saturn and Mars.

What is Numerology?

Numerology is based on an ancient Indian system that applies special meanings to numbers and their symbols. Numerology is the study of the significance of numbers in an individual’s life. It can provide insights into personality traits, life cycles, and life purpose. Numerology can also provide individuals with a sense of direction and purpose in life. By analyzing the numbers associated with their birth date and name, individuals can gain insight into their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their life’s purpose. Furthermore, numerology can help individuals understand their life cycles and the challenges they may face during different periods of their life.

Origin of Numerology

It is believed that Numerology have been practiced by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Numerology as we know it today, however, is largely based on the teachings of Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher and mathematician who lived in the 6th century BC. Pythagoras, considered to be the father of modern numerology, believed that numbers held deep significance and that they could be used to gain a greater understanding of the universe and the human experience. In India, numerology is based on the ancient texts of the Vedas. It is believed that each number has a unique vibration and energy, and these energies can be used to gain insight into an individual’s life path and destiny

Numerology Number and It's Reading

Numerology works by analyzing an individual’s birth date and name to determine their “life path number,” which is believed to reveal their personality traits and life purpose. Each number is associated with different energies and vibrations and has its own unique meaning and significance. Numerology also considers the influence of different planets on an individual’s life. Each planet is associated with a specific number and has its own unique energy and
influence. By analyzing the numbers associated with an individual’s birth date and name, numerologists can gain insights into the planetary influences that may be affecting their life. In Numerology, Birth Date is the simplest way to begin. Numerology is all about reaching the root number. In this respect, you lower the digits, except 11 and 22, considered master numbers until you get a single digit. This is your life path number, and your life path number is exactly a carbon copy of an astrological sun sign, which reveals the taste of your personality and your most important purpose in life. It includes your strength, weakness, hidden talents, and most bottomless ambition.

9 Planets - 9 Numbers

In numerology, each number is associated with a planet, and each planet has its own unique energy and influence. Here is a brief overview of the planetary associations for each number.

Number 1 belongs to the Sun – king of all planets, stands for power and one does too. When the Sun is strong in your birth chart, here’s what you will be blessed with -Name, fame & money. People with a life path number of 1 are believed to be self-reliant and confident, with a strong sense of individuality and a desire to be in control of their lives. They are often natural leaders and can inspire and motivate others.

Number 2 belongs to Moon – Our minds are controlled by the Moon and its dual nature’ no wonder Moon changes every second. When the Moon is strong in your birth chart, here’s what you will be blessed with – Intelligence & intellect. They are often peacemakers and have a talent for resolving conflicts. The number 2 is also associated with creativity and intuition, making it an important number in fields such as art, music, and spirituality.

Number 3 belongs to Jupiter- Again it is no surprise that the basis of Hindu religion is dependent on the number 3. Hinduism has Bramha, Vishnu, and Mahesh’ as the Creator, Protector, and Destroyer, respectively. If strong, the planet will bestow you with knowledge, and virtues like respecting and helping others will be a part of your personality.

Number 4 belongs to Rahu- Rahu is the ruling planet, the native will also showcase some of the qualities associated with this planet. This includes the native will be dissatisfied and will always have a desire for more. Moreover, the native will also be materialistic in nature. Moreover, the natives are very hard-working individuals who also possess a lot of knowledge.

Number 5 belongs to Mercury -the planet of intellect. Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system, known for its evergreen, versatile, mercurial nature. Mercury is a benefic and auspicious planet and is associated with intelligence and quick response. People with a life path number of 5 are believed to be adventurous and curious, with a strong desire to experience everything that life has to offer. They are often communicative and adaptable, with a talent for connecting with others and expressing their ideas.

Number 6 belongs to Venus – Venus stands for love and beauty. It is also believed that the number 6 defines perfection and completion because the world was also created in six days. It represents unconditional love and the ability to support, nurture and heal. It has a powerful force of compassion and empathy, and its warm light is a beacon of hope.

Number 7 belongs to Neptune- known as Ketu, and represents both good and bad karma and enlightenment. Neptune is the planet of illusion, spirituality, and mysticism. It is also associated with dreams, creativity, and intuition, making it an important planet for those who are interested in spiritual and metaphysical pursuits. People with a life path number of 7 are believed to be analytical and introspective, with a strong desire to understand the deeper meaning of life.

Number 8 belongs to Saturn- called the planet of Fate. Saturn is like the judge who pronounces his judgment without prejudice or like the teacher who corrects without discrimination. They are pragmatists, prudent, cautious, punctual, and methodical in everything, very hardworking, and persistent in achieving their goals and ideas. Everything comes to them with difficulty, they achieve everything on their own. Their way of life is
distinguished by constancy and often, especially closer to old age, material wealth.

Number 9 belongs to Mars – Mars is known to be a hot and fiery planet. Mars is the planet of action, energy, and passion. It is also associated with courage, strength, and determination, making it an important planet for those who are interested in sports and physical activities. People with a life path number of 9 are believed to be compassionate and humanitarian, with a strong desire to make a positive difference in the world.

Human beings are curious by nature and science like this help fulfil this craving for information. Numerology deals with the practical application of the elementary laws of mathematics to the material existence of man. Numerology helps based on date of birth and name, a person’s business, friends, partners ups and downs of their life and important things in one’s life can be predicted. Numerology is the bridge between who you are now and who you
have the potential to be.

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