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February 19-March 20

Vedic name: Meena

Meaning: The Fish

Type: Water-Mutable-Negative

Pisces is the twelfth and the last Sign of the Zodiac. It is known that Pisces somehow, thus, takes up the different attributes of all the other 11 Signs. The dreamy and romantic Sign is known for its charming creative side, which, to some, is like free flowing poetry, while to others is akin to a fresh floral blossom.

  • Many find generous and compassionate Pisces to be selfless, while others may feel that they (Pisces-born) are a tad rigid or fixed. Well, when it’s about the Pisces, just like its symbol of two fish aligned to swim in opposite directions, the paradoxes abound.
  • Ruled by Neptune, Pisces are seen to live in a world of their own; they tend to be detached, spiritual and quite focused on their inner journeys aimed at finding peace and harmony. Known to effortlessly ride the waves, without causing agitation, the Pisces natives hate confrontations. They prefer to take roundabouts, instead, and would do all they can to avoid conflicts.
  • Modest and calm, they love to have and foster a feeling of security and cosiness around them. These natives love their cosy nests, and also make wonderful nurturers and parents. Caring, loving and loyal, Pisces are often a treat in love, unless they take to a negative manifestation (of their personality) or are, often irretrievably, jilted in love.
  • For Fish, love is more about giving than receiving. Tolerant, respectful and forgiving, however, the Pisces, however, can be too timid in their ways, and this may make them subject to ill-treatment or taken for granted or betrayal. The Pisces also find it hard to change their set ways, and are found to be pretty lazy and passive.
  • In their extreme negative behaviour , Pisces may be given to complete inaction, hedonism, vindictiveness and/ or multiple relationships.
  • Ruling Planet : Jupiter and Neptune
  • Element:Water 
  • Quality : Mutable
  • Symbol: A pair of Fish, swimming in opposite directions
  • The Symbol denotes: Emotional nature, mood swings, and lack of clarity of mind
  • Characteristics: Watery, mutable, intuitive, feminine, emotional.
  • Qualities: Inspirational, hospitable, peace-loving, intuitive, methodical, compassionate, sympathetic, kind, creative, imaginative, sensitive.
  • Undesirable Personality Traits: Pessimistic, lethargic, careless, indecisive, submissive, self-depreciation, timid, over-sensitive, self-pity, moody, negative.
  • Birth Stone: Yellow Sapphire, Yellow Topaz 
  • Birth Colors: Aqua, Blue-Green, Light Yellow
  • Lucky Number: 3, 7, 12, 16, 21, 25, 30, 34, 43, 52
  • Compatible Signs: Cancer, Scorpio
  • Lucky Day: Thursday
  • Deepest Need: Spiritual illumination, Liberation
  • Quality most needed for balance: Structure, Ability to handle form, Practicality
  • Associated Flowers and Plants: Seaweed, Moss, Other aquatic plants
  • Best Sign/s for marriage and or partnerships : Virgo
March 15 2024

You will feel restless and lazy. Your confidence shall increase. A bold decision taken by you will make you work harder. Money will come with your hard work only. Relation with spouse will be normal. Children will do better and they can get the desired result. Students can achieve their goals easily.


March – Week 2

The beginning of the week won’t be very auspicious for your state of mind. You are advised not to lose your temper. It would be better not to get into an argument unnecessarily. Keep your-self calm and cool and meditate on regular basis. In the mid of the week there won’t be such tensions and the confidence would rise to its maximum again. Support of everybody at workplace and home would be the reason of biggest happiness. You would become a hot favorite of all. During the weekend days you would be witnessing an atmosphere of love, laughter, peace, mutual harmony and financial prosperity at home. There would be unity among all family members and all of you would put in lot of efforts for bringing prosperity and development in family. Your continuous participation in tackling family related issues won’t turn futile at all.


    March 2024

Health : The stars are not in an obliging mood and will withhold their blessing for your good health, this month. Those with a tendency to cold hands and feet would have a nasty time. Any tendency to nervousness would also tend to get further aggravated. A good yoga teacher and regular practice could do wonders for this affliction, ridding you of your troubles. There is the further likelihood of some kind of tooth trouble creating problems for you. This means extra attention and care for your dental health. The period, ahead is not very favourable for your health as such, and will call for greater attention and care.

Finance : Not a favourable month, for your financial prospects, in so far as the augury from the stars is concerned. There is a distinct possibility of your relations with your superiors deteriorating to such an extent that you might have to suffer a loss on this account. You must, therefore, guard against such a possibility and take steps well in advance to prevent such an eventuality. There would be a dearth of opportunities, and most of you would struggle to get anywhere near your planned objectives. There is also the danger that some of you might unduly concentrate on making unaccounted money. This is bound to have an adverse effect on your overall situation. Rectify this. Speculation should also be avoided.

Profession : Nothing very encouraging about your career prospects in the combination of stars facing you this month. There is a distinct possibility of serious differences with your superiors. This would turn out to be a catastrophic development. Therefore, you should strive to avert such an eventuality. Further, you might be burdened by a useless sense of insecurity. This could lead you to seek redressal by changing jobs or business operations. A highly undesirable state of affairs. Do not make any changes without due and careful deliberation. Travel also will fail to bring any gains, though a sojourn northwards might give marginal benefits.

Education : This month, your educational pursuits are unlikely to have smooth sailing, since you have very little support from the stars. The achievement of your objectives would involve a lot of struggle and hard work. Even then, it may not be possible to achieve much success. Aspirants of higher studies would find their efforts getting bogged down in difficulties, not the least of which would be to find the right opportunity. Technical students and students of medicine would have to work harder than usual to maintain their ranking. Candidates sitting for competitive examinations would achieve success only after a lot of hard work. In fact, this month, success would come to most of you only after a great deal of hard work.

Travel : An excellent month to reap a rich harvest of dividends from travel, since the augury from the stars is quite favourable. Some of you would make pilgrimages to holy places which would be a memorable landmark in your lives.Those aspiring for higher studies or training abroad or in some far off place would see their plans come through smoothly. Business travel would be very successful. You would travel mostly by rail or by road, with a fair measure of air travel. A trip abroad is also possible. East is the most favourable direction.

Family : Nothing particularly beneficial about the augury from the stars this month, in so far as your family welfare is concerned. There is a distinct possibility of serious differences with the elders of the family, an extremely unpleasant prospect. You must, therefore, strive to avert such an eventuality in whatever manner you find most feasible.The family atmosphere would otherwise also not be too favourable, with harmony among the members nowhere in sight. In such circumstances, all of you would be adversely effected, but the children most of all. Pay special attention to them.

Children : A month during which the augury from the stars is not very helpful in so far as the prospects for your children are concerned. There is a strong possibility of the wards of a good number amongst you people getting with serious difficulties with their teacher. Parents should intervene and prevent the situation from snowballing and adversely affecting the studies of their wards. In any case, most of them would tend to perform below average. Those pursuing law or higher studies are likely to face a set of particularly adverse circumstances.


Year 2024

This year, Saturn would remain in Aquarius Sign Twelfth House and Rahu in Pisces Sign Ascendant. In the beginning of the year Jupiter would be in Aries Sign Second House and on May 01, it would transit Taurus Sign Third house. Mars would have its transit with its normal motion. Venus would remain combust from April 29 to June 28.

Work, Profession : This year would be moderately auspicious for profession point of view. Since Saturn is posited in Twelfth House, so you would face hurdles and hardships in accomplishing your projects/works. Your latent foes could pose threats and hindrances in domain of your work. Hence continue with your work without having faith in anybody by applying your mental capabilities. These who are in service would receive respect and regards at their respective work place.After April, time period would turn towards positivity for work and profession. Aspect of Jupiter on Seventh House is auspicious for businessmen. Those who are carrying out their business in partnership would earn gains. You would get full cooperation of your partner. Your spouse would contribute his/her share of cooperation for your work and profession.

Wealth, Property : Beginning of the year would be moderately auspicious for economic perspective. Transitory effect of Jupiter in Second House would ensure ceaseless flow of income for you.Aspect of Jupiter on Eighth House is an indication for acquiring ancestral property or fortune from in-laws side. After April, you would also incur expenditure on religious and social activities, By doing so, you would have an innate feeling of happiness.

Family & Society : Beginning of the year would be auspicious for family and society perspective. In the beginning of the year, Jupiter in Second House indicates an addition of a member in the family. This addition could be addition of a child. Due to feeling of mutual dedication among the members of family, a peaceful and congenial environment prevails at your home.After April, full co-operation of your brothers would be at your back which adds to your social strength and power. You would participate in social activities. You could establish and manage an organization for the upliftment of society.

Children : Beginning of the year would be auspicious for children perspective. Your children would achieve success due to the effect of position of Jupiter in Second House. Your children would flutter the flag of achievement by dint of their hard work. After April, time period is auspicious for your second child.This time period would be suitable for impregnation/conception. If your second child awaits marriage, be prepared to solemnize his/her marriage. During this interval of time, your emotional attachment with your children would be on increasing spree.

Health : You could be distressed due to some minor diseases as Rahu in posited in ascendant. If you are already having a disease, be very much cautious and careful. Have balanced diet along with occupations of the day in a disciplined way.Take exercise and practice Yoga early in the morning. Try to improve your life style by feel excessive stress and anxiety over any economic issue or an opponent. Don’t be irritated otherwise all this would specifically affect your health.

Career & Competition : This year would be rated average for competitive examinations. You would be rated average for competitive examinations as Saturn and Jupiter both have combined aspectual effect on Sixth House. You would reform your mode of working by having association with some experienced persons. You would have cooperation from government officials and senior individuals which could generate some gains.Probabilities are indicated for unemployed natives to get service. After April, time period may be a bit affected adversely. At that time you could have to put in extra efforts for pocketing success.

Travel & Transfer : This year would be favorable for journey point of view. Saturn in Twelfth House is a strong indication for undertaking a journey to a foreign country. After April, due to transitory effect of Jupiter in Third House, you would accomplish journeys along with short ones.Almost caution is the need of the hour while perfoming a journey or driving a vehicle, because transit of Rahu and Saturn in not favorable this year.

Religious Deeds & Propitiation of Planets : Beginning of the year would be auspicious for religious activities. Unshakable faith for god would be embossed on your mind. But you could be lazy because of Rahu in Ascendant. This could disturb worships to be performed daily.

1. Offer water to Peepal Tree early in the morning on Saturday and light a lamp having four wicks in four directions in the evening.
2. Offer a long robe to Hanuman ji on every Tuesday.
3. Wear DurgaBeesaYantra in your neck.



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