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Amavasya Dosh Puja


Amavasya Dosh occurs when Planet Sun ( Surya) and Planet Moon ( Chandra ) are in conjunction in one’s Birth Chart. And as per scriptures, Moon loses its strength due to the influence of the Sun and the Moon becomes weak.Amavasya Dosh puja involves special puja to Planet Moon (Chandra) and Planet Surya (Sun ).

Category: Product ID: 4505



This is a Dosh that is identified by reading one’s Birth Chart.

Indian Vedic Astrology is quite Mystic and has narrated/documented many different doshas in various scriptures/books.

Amavasya Dosh occurs when Planet Sun ( Surya) and Planet Moon ( Chandra ) are in conjunction in one’s Birth Chart. And as per scriptures, Moon loses its strength due to the influence of the Sun and the Moon becomes weak.

Planet Moon ( Chandra ) directly rules one’s mind and fortune. Planet Sun ( Surya ) is responsible for strength, valor, fame, wealth, and royal positions.

“Amavasya”  refers to the darkest night of the month.

“Amavasya Dosh ” similarly refers to dark energies and the native might suffer from mental disorders, mood swings, anxiety attacks, lack of energy and strength, misfortunes, and issues on the health and career front.

Amavasya Dosh puja involves special puja to Planet Moon (Chandra) and Planet Surya (Sun ).

Proper Mantra selection for Planets,  is of utmost importance. Moreover, the full Jaap needs to be done to settle this Dosh.

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