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House Temple – Daily Puja


Puja is the Sanskrit word for worship, and the daily puja is known as Nitya Puja or Daily Puja.

Every home in India typically has a temple, and frequently the idols and deities there have been there for many generations.

India is the home of the Vedas, and according to Hindu texts, puja is a spiritual practice that we engage in to maintain our connection to the universe and the holy energy.

Category: Product ID: 4490


Puja is the Sanskrit word for worship, and the daily puja is known as Nitya Puja or Daily Puja.

Every home in India typically has a temple, and frequently the idols and deities there have been there for many generations.

India is the home of the Vedas, and according to Hindu texts, puja is a spiritual practice that we engage in to maintain our connection to the universe and the holy energy.

Daily worship of the Gods requires appropriate time, concentration, and the suitable mantras or paath, depending on the temple and the Gods.

Offering flowers and prasad (sweet offerings) to Gods on a daily basis comes after this action.

When serving the Gods, one must adhere to a number of rules and hygiene practices.
People frequently lack the time or the expertise necessary to perform proper puja, as has been noted.

Additionally, doing paaths like Sunderkand Paath or Devi Saptasathi paath on a daily basis at home or at the office is frequently necessary.

Professional pandits or Brahmins are required in both scenarios to do the Puja or the Paath.

A group of knowledgeable pandits are available on Grahtalk to assist with the same.

Grahtalk , has a team of learned pandits who can help with the same .

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