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Jircon White


White Zircon is a gemstone composed of zirconium silicate, found in a variety of colors. It’s often used as an alternative to diamonds due to its glossy and clear appearance










SKU: N/A Category: Product ID: 7570


White Zircon is a gemstone composed of zirconium silicate, found in a variety of colors. It’s often used as an alternative to diamonds due to its glossy and clear appearance. White Zircon is most commonly cut into faceted gems for use in jewelry, but can also be cut as a cabochon or tumbled for other uses.

White Zircon is believed to have many metaphysical properties and benefits. It is said to have the power of protection, healing, and purification. Its energy can help balance emotions, clear negative energies from one’s aura and provide spiritual guidance 12. White Zircon is also believed to promote mental clarity and focus, allowing for better decision-making.

White zircon is that it protects the wearer from harmful energies released by the weak planets in their horoscope. It helps in removing negative energies and boosts positivity. Furthermore, this stone also protects from nightmares and helps in providing a good sleep.




Additional information


5 Carat, 7 Carat, 9 Carat, 10 Carat, 11 Carat

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