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Ketu Shanti Jaap / Puja


Ketu Shanti Puja is a ritual performed to appease Ketu, the shadow planet that represents detachment, spirituality, intuition and karma. Ketu can cause various problems in life, such as accidents, diseases, conflicts, losses, depression and confusion. Ketu Shanti puja is a Hindu ceremony performed to appease the planet Ketu, which is believed to have a negative effect on  an individual’s life if it is not in a favorable position in their astrological chart.By doing Ketu Shanti Puja, one can reduce the negative effects of Ketu and enhance its positive aspects.

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Ketu Dev (South Lunar Node) is considered as one of the nine celestial planets. Ketu is also referred as the Dragons Tail  and is one of the Moon Nodes. Ketu is not physically a planet, however it has importance in vedic astrology equivalent to that of a planet . Ketu is also termed as shadow planet. Ketu is associated with detachment, religion , alternative medicines , healing , occult science , secret work , saints , karmic connections , moksha ,separation.

People afflicted by malefic Ketu suffer from theft, Putra dosha, absent-mindedness, and loss of property. All the bad effects of the Ketu Graha dosha can be overcome by performing this Jaap.The nakshatras associated with Ketu are Ashwini, Magha , Mula. Mantras are of utmost importance to appease the planets and correct pronunciation is a must. Every planet mantra has to be enchanted multifold times to get the appropriate result .

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