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Moon Stone


Moonstone is a gemstone that is believed to have several benefits according to Vedic astrology. It is considered to be a powerful stone that can calm down the malice of afflicted planets










SKU: N/A Category: Product ID: 7589


Moonstone is a gemstone that is believed to have several benefits according to Vedic astrology. It is considered to be a powerful stone that can calm down the malice of afflicted planets, particularly Rahu, Ketu, and Saturn 1.

Moonstone is known as the ‘Queen of Gems,’ and is a beauty worthy of the title. Its incredible pearly white lustre paired with the auroral display of the vibrant ‘play of colours’ across its surface makes it one of the most unique gemstones around the world. Moonstone is ruled by a celestial body, namely, the planet Moon or Chandra. This planet symbolizes human emotions and its effects bring to its wearer all that their heart desires.

The following are some of the benefits of wearing a Moonstone:

Promotes mental stability: Moonstone is believed to promote mental stability and bring positivity to the wearer’s life.
Improves communication skills: Moonstone is said to enhance communication skills and make the wearer a better speaker.
Protects against negative energy: Moonstone is believed to protect the wearer from negative energy and evil spirits.
Brings prosperity: Moonstone is considered to be the “stone of prosperity” and is believed to bring growth and vitality.
Helps with health issues: Moonstone is said to have a positive effect on the wearer’s health, particularly with regards to kidney disorders, hemorrhoids, stomach disorders, and mental disorders like anxiety, depression, stress, and insomnia .
Please note that these are just some of the benefits of wearing a Moonstone and that there are many more benefits associated with this gemstone.

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5 Carat, 7 Carat, 9 Carat, 10 Carat, 11 Carat

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