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Sandalwood Mala


Sandalwood mala is a rosary made of sandalwood beads, which are carved from the wood of sandalwood trees that grow naturally in Asia. Sandalwood mala is used for chanting mantras of various gods and goddesses, especially Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe. Sandalwood mala is believed to have benefits like calming the senses and deepening meditation, releasing stress and anxiety, attracting positive energy and peace and enhancing beauty and health.








Category: Product ID: 7375


Sandalwood mala is another type of sacred object used in Hinduism and other spiritual practices. It is used in prayer, meditation, and other spiritual practices. Sandalwood has a pleasant fragrance and is believed to have calming and purifying properties. Sandalwood mala also enhance the spiritual inclination of the individual and p the sense of awareness. It is believed that using sandalwood mala helps to please Gods, have a calming influence and reduces stress. It should be worn on the body, either on the top of or under the clothes to maintain energy and power. People wear these for good health, wealth, and luck.








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