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Shri Lakshmi Ganeshji Saraswati Panna


A Lakshmi Ganesh Saraswati Panna Puja is a special worship of the three Hindu deities. Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and prosperity, Ganesh is the god of new beginnings and remover of obstacles, and Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge, music, and the arts It is believed that by performing this puja, one can attract wealth, wisdom and prosperity.

Category: Product ID: 7335


Worshipper gets freedom from all obstacles and achieves success and prosperity in all aspects of life.Lord Ganesha is the God of wisdom who removes all the obstacles that stand in your way of success. Offering prayers to Lord Ganesha to remove obstacles is a customary practice before undertaking any task. This ensures that a particular work or project moves forward successfully. Lord Ganesha infuses sacred energy to the worshipper to focus and accomplish goals and enhances positive spirits and stimulates confidence-level to succeed in all efforts.Goddess Saraswati is known for wisdom, education, intellect and speech. Everybody needs to enhance their knowledge through various ways like academic pursuits, private study of religious/spiritual treatises etc. Goddess Saraswati helps to attain all these. Worshipping Goddess Saraswati enhances the knowledge, improves concentration and memory power and performance in the examinations. She is also referred to as Vak Devi (goddess of speech) and Sakala kaladhishtatri (goddess bestowing all the arts), therefore, devotees are blessed with an understanding of music, dance and other creative arts and are enabled to achieve proficiency in them.

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