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Six Faced Rudraksha


Six Faced Rudraksha or Six Mukhi Rudraksha symbolizes Lord Shadanan. Its controlling deity is Kartikeya (Shadanan). It bestows executive and managerial abilities, competence and name, fame, and victory in all aspects of life. It is excellent for all sciences, technical education, surgery, and controls emotions, fainting fits, and blood-related diseases or diseases of the private parts. Its ruling planet is Venus. Venus brings a fashionable and luxurious life. Therefore, wearing a Six Mukhi Rudraksha can bless the possessor with such a type of life.

Category: Product ID: 7309


A Six Mukhi Rudraksha Bead is related to Six Darshan. The person who wears a Six Mukhi Rudraksha after proper Siddhi ( method of purification & charging with Mantra ) will have Darshan of six Deva in his Body. Six Mukhi Rudraksha Bead gives the knowledge of Soul to the wearer.The person who wears a Six Mukhi Rudraksha Bead becomes calm and quiet like the Moon. Six Mukhi keeps the anger, jealousy, excitation under control in the body of the wearer. Six Mukhi Rudraksha increases the nutritious elements of the Body resulting in the creation of new cosmic powers (Devi Shakti). Six Mukhi Rudraksha is the provider of results for the hard workers. It provides success in all assignments.Goddess Laxmi resides in Six Face Rudraksha Bead therefore provides wealth and prosperity. It opens the opportunity of money for the wearer of this Rudraksha and always remains with him. Six Mukhi Rudraksha Bead is the provider of every comforts and happiness and increases the Business. Six Mukhi Rudraksha is to be worn on Monday before sun-rise.

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