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Three Faced Rudraksha


A Three-Faced Rudraksha is a type of bead that is believed to have spiritual and health benefits. It represents the fire god Agni Deva. Teen Mukhi Rudraksha is also well know as a Blueberry bead because its seeds are protect by a blue outer covering.It is believed that the wearer is freed from all sins of the past or that all sins of past karma are destroy. Many times people are not able to achieve what they want be it success or wealth, they face many struggles due to their past karmas and once one wears this bead one gets rid of all struggles. One begins to achieve success with the blessings of the three devas.

Category: Product ID: 7315


Three faced or Teen Mukhi Rudraksha is a real form of Agni Deva. It has the power to liberate one even from the gravest of sins. The deity of Three faced Rudraksha is Agnideva. It represents Sat, Raj, Tamo Gunas, Iccha, Gyan, Kriya and Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh.The ruling planet of Teen Mukhi Rudraksha is Mars. It cures depression, negative thinking, inferiority complex, weakness, disturbed menstrual cycle, kidney problems, blood-related diseases, and blood pressure, etc. It has proven its mettle by being an effective cure for jaundice. The wearer of Three Faced Rudraksha always remains healthy and wealthy.

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