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Twelve Faced Rudraksha


The Twelve-faced Rudraksha or Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha, consider an incarnation of Shiva, the lord of the Sun, and the Sun is said to be the lord of all the planets.Twelve-faced Rudraksha is also known as Dwadashi Aditya. It is said that this bead also has the blessings of Lord Brahma, the creator of Srishti. This bead is worn for good health and prosperity. For those who are in the official profession, they do not get respect at the workplace, it works wonders for them. This wearer receives strength and blessings equal to the donation of 108 cows. People who are shy, timid or scared, should wear this bead, to become fearless and you can get rid of any kind of trouble. It helps eliminate past sins.

Category: Product ID: 7297


Twelve Faced or Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha symbolizes Dwadash Adityas which represents planet Sun. Therefore, the wearer gets the blessings of all the 12 Adityas and is popularly known as Aditya Rudraksha. It eradicates a person’s fear of wild animals, thieves, obstacles, and several diseases. It is also the symbol of Mahavishnu. Twelve Mukhi is said to increase the charisma and charm of the wearer. The planet Sun is always kind to the wearer of this Rudraksha. It helps in the fulfillment of goals and desires. It is an extremely blessed Rudraksha bead and provides protection against black magic, evil spirits, hexing, and all feelings of enmity.

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