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Gauri Ganesha Rudraksha


Gauri Ganesh Rudraksha or Garbha Gauri Rudraksha symbolizes Lord Ganesha and Ma Parvati. The wearer gets the blessings of both Lord Ganesha and Ma Parvati. This Rudraksha enhances love, mutual understanding, affection, trust, and respect between the mother and child and makes their bond stronger. This Rudraksha is highly beneficial for those couples who are facing problems in having children. This Rudraksha is worn by ladies who want to attain the happiness of being a mother. This Rudraksha can also be worn for getting happiness and success in life.

Category: Product ID: 7280


Gauri Ganesha Rudraksha is two naturally joined Rudraksha and also called as Garbh Gouri Rudraksha.This Rudraksha possesses two beads, the smaller bead represents Lord Ganesh and the bigger bead represents Ma Parvati.It helps to increases the relation between husband and wife. It helps women, who face a problem in conception. Garbh Gauri Rudraksha is recommended to those women who are not able to conceive or those who suffer repeated miscarriages or any dysfunction related to child birth.Wearing this Rudraksha as per recommendation is alleged to bless the couple with offspring. Chanting and meditating over this powerful Rudraksha is alleged to supply spiritual growth. The divine Gauri Ganesh Rudraksha has the combined energy of Goddess Gauri and Lord Ganesha which makes this bead one among the foremost powerful Rudrakshas. It’s a wholesome Rudraksha which attracts positivity, harmony, togetherness and far more. Other than this, the divine Rudraksha offers Mental, physical and Spiritual growth.

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