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November 22 - December 21

Vedic name: Dhanusha

Meaning: The Archer

Type: Fire-Mutable-Positive

Sagittarius is the Ninth Sign of the Zodiac. Truth seekers, adventurers, lovers of travel (and their own selves), Sagittarius individuals are fun loving and a good company. Many of them are philosophic in bent, and their spirit of inquiry is practically relentless and endless.

  • Sagittarius, candid as they are, in their attempt to know and see, they may end up asking/ saying unexpected things. Archers also exhibit a certain duality. Although such keen investigators themselves, willing to go an extra mile to find, read, communicate, they themselves may resent the complex education system and formal training.
  • They can be fanatics yet atheists, and tactless yet serious! Subjects like philosophy, education, religion, mysticism, occult, medicine engross and attract Archers.Restless, curious and always ready to explore, sometimes they may end up being too upfront and garrulous.
  • Given their quest for truth and ultimate wisdom, most Sagittarius do not take things at their face value. They take their own sweet time to form their opinions, and would not hesitate in asking embarrassing questions.
  • Sagittarians are on a perpetual quest for knowledge, which makes them incredible storytellers, entertainers and creatives. Sagittarius is notorious for its signature bluntness, and their brutal honesty can often lead to misunderstandings, communication breakdown, and lots of hurt feelings.
  • Ruling Planet : Jupiter
  • Element: Fire
  • Quality : Flexibility
  • Symbol: An Archer, with half man and half horse body
  • The Symbol denotes: Positive outlook and an open-minded and generous disposition
  • Characteristics:Masculine, Positive
  • Qualities: Sincere, Truthful, Fair, Generous, Far-Sighted, Philosophical, Reliable, Self-Dependent, Energetic, Jovial, Intelligent.
  • Undesirable Personality Traits: Boastful, Over-Confident, Brash, Unpredictable, Blunt, Aggressive, Inflexible, Inconsistent, Casual.
  • Birth Stone: Yellow Sapphire, Yellow Topaz
  • Birth Colors: Yellow, Yellow-Orange
  • Lucky Number: 3,9,12,27, 81
  • Compatible Signs: Aries, Leo
  • Lucky Day: Thursday
  • Deepest Need: Mental expansion
  • Quality most needed for balance: A wider view of things
  • Associated Flowers and Plants: Asparagus, Dandelions, Carnations, Pink Coloured Flowers
  • Best Sign/s for marriage and or partnerships : Gemini
March 15 2024

Today is the day of getting success in education. Those in service will do their work with full confidence. Your health will be good. You will feel joy and enthusiasm. You might attend a social gathering or family function. Businessman shall go on long journey to expand their business. Players will achieve some honor or medal in their game.





March- Week 2

Your social activities shall be at its peak in the beginning of the week. Your social reputation shall get enhanced as you would succeed in establishing better social relations on account of your working efficiency and your habit of doing things quickly. You would shine like a star among your family members, relatives and friends because of this unique working ability which would help you earn better social reputation too. This whole week would be perfectly fine for your financial position. In the mid of the week there would be lot of stress and mental tensions coming in your way because of some house or property related tensions. You need to take care of the health of your mother. The remaining part of the week would be better for making plans regarding the up gradation of your education, future of your children, techniques of developing better emotional relations, creating opportunities of better entertainment and share market investment.


  March 2024

Health : This month the combination of stars facing you is quite helpful to your health. Those with sensitive chest or lungs, and predisposed to ailments in this area, are likely to get significant relief from their troubles. There is some danger of exhaustion and accompanying debility caused by over-exertion.This you surely and simply could avoid by not unduly exerting yourself. This done, all will be well. This would also help you get over the possibility of some nervous disorders that exists, though somewhat of an outside chance. Take care and you can make sure of remaining in the pink of health throughout the month. Pay a little more care to the health of your teeth.

Finance : Your financial prospects look good this month in so far as your augury from the stars is concerned. Writers, poets, and others of their ilk would have a particularly productive spell, both financially and in terms of creative output.Some of you would quite literally reap a rich harvest of sudden gains. Speculation, too, would bring in rich profits. Further, there are good chances of your relations with your superiors assuming such pleasant proportions that you can expect to rope in sizeable gains from this relationship. Further, the climate could be quite favourable for making investments and new ventures.

Profession : There is nothing very auspicious about the augury for your professional advancement this month. There is a strong likelihood of serious differences of with your superiors. You must avert such an eventuality by trying to anticipate difficult spots and working your way round these.Further, you would be gripped by a sense of insecurity throughout this month. This would effect your entire professional conduct. You would be somewhat unstable, and attempt to change your job or business operation, any change you undertake should be carried out after due and serious deliberation. You would also work very hard, and chances are that despite this that the realization of your planned objectives would not come about.

Education : This would a fairly beneficial month for your educational pursuits, since good fortune would be with you most of the time. Those studying languages, journalism, and accountancy would have an extremely beneficial time during this coming month. In fact some of you could score notable successes.Technical students would fare extremely well, too, and improve their ranking. Those sitting for competitive examinations would be able to achieve success, but only after a great deal of hard work. In fact, in all your success this month, most of you would have to work quite hard. Those pursuing crafts and technical trades would also have much cause to satisfied with their performance.

Travel : Nothing particularly beneficial about the augury from the stars, in so far as gains from travel are concerned. Writers, poets and others of their ilk may not have the most pleasant of travels. In fact, some could well be seriously effected owing to the unproductive nature of their sojourns. You would travel alone mostly by rail or by road, with a fair measure of air travel. A foreign trip also cannot be ruled out. However, it is very unlikely that these efforts would involve even a holiday, which may not be too pleasant. East is the most favourable direction.

Family : This month, there is much in the augury from the stars to cheer the heart, since the stars are quite favourably disposed. Look forward to celebrating an auspicious occasion to felicitate an addition to the family. This sense of celebration would pervade the family atmosphere making it very pleasant, with harmony among the various members.This kind of environment would have a beneficial effect on all of you, particularly the children. They would tend to be good-natured, and also do well in their appointed pursuits. Something that will make all of you very happy. Financially also, you all would do very well, with a big increase in the overall family income fairly certain.

Children : A month during which the prospects for your children are reasonably sound, since the augury from the stars is quite favourable on this score. Most children would be able to register fairly good results in their pursuits. Teenagers may need help in decision making on important issues. The stubborn may be less so during the coming month, though discipline may be a problem with most of them. Where attitudes are basically antagonistic towards all authority, patient reasoning would be called for. There are indications that there could be some serious tiffs with servants and such like people.


Year 2024

This year, Saturn would remain in Aquarius Sign Third House and Rahu in Pisces Sign Fourth House. In the beginning of the year Jupiter would be in Aries Sign Fifth House and on May 01, it would transit Taurus Sign Sixth house. Mars would have its transit with its normal motion. Venus would remain combust from April 29 to June 28.

Work, Profession : In the beginning of the year, there are indications for having novel sources of income in regard to work and profession perspective. If you begin with a new business/venture during this period then there are higher probabilities for success. You would be recipient of cooperation from experienced and senior persons which adds ups to the probabilities of gains from your works.After April, time period is taking a bit of turn towards negative side. At that time Jupiter posited in Sixth House indicates some ups and downs in your profession. Do not involve your family members at your work place. During this period, business in partnership would not be fruitful. Those who are in service would be transferred at a place which is not conducive to them.

Wealth, Property : Beginning of the year would be favorable for economic perspective. There would be ceaseless flow of income due to aspectual effect of Jupiter on Eleventh House but after transit of Jupiter, a well to do economic status might not be maintained. Such unexpected expenses would crop up which disturbs your budget. Put a curb on ways for having quick and easy money.Don’t invest in ventures where any risk is expected otherwise you could have to bear heavy losses undue expenditure could be invited for health related problems of a family member or your mother. Do not lend money to anybody since chances for getting it back are bleak. Control your personal expenses.

Family & Society : This year would cast its bright as well as dark shadows on family and society. You would not be able to spare due time for your family since you are very much occupied with prior engagements. Still a bond of mutual cooperation among family members would be formed. Jupiter being in Fifth House could bless newlyweds with offspring.Your brother would extend full cooperation. After April, health of your mother could be affected. There could be difference of opinions with any members of your family. Have control patience and apply wits for handling a situation. Develop power of resistance.

Children : Beginning of the year would be favorable for children perspective. Inclination at your children towards education would take a higher step because of Jupiter posited in Fifth House. They would be admitted in a high profile education institution for higher education.Your children would achieve a success. If they are in marriage age group, their marriage could be solemnized. After April, time period is turning a bit towards negative side. At that time health of your children deteriorate. So be attentive and cautious for their health. This year would be of average grade for your second child.

Health : You would be physically fit and mentally sound because of aspect of Jupiter on Ascendant. Your constructive energy would be augmented and immunity against diseases gets a boost. You would feel as a complete healthy person. Take balanced diet and undertake regular exercises.After April, because of unfavorable transit of Jupiter, your health might be adversely affected. Jupiter in Sixth House and Earthy Sign might cause communicable diseases or stomach related health problems. Have restricted consumption of fats (Ghee and Fried Items).

Career & Competition : This year would be auspicious for competitive examination perspective. Beginning of the year would yield sweet fruits for students. Due to effect of Jupiter in Fifth House, ambitious students for higher education would get be enrolled in a well reputed educational institution. After April, time period would not be so much favorable and conducive. The natives, who have not yet got a job, shall have to wait for some more time.

Travel & Transfer : This year would be of average grade with respect to Journey. Saturn in Third House would cause some short journeys of a little impotence. In the beginning of the year, aspect of Jupiter on Ninth House would initiate long journeys for you. There are indications for pilgrimages.After April, You would undertake a foreign journey also because of combined aspect of Rahu and Jupiter on Twelfth House. Time period is highly fruit yielding for students ambitious to get higher education on a foreign land.

Religious Deeds & Propitiation of Planets :
1. Recite DurgaSphatik Path every day and donate blue articles/items in charity.
2. Seek blessings of parents, religious instructors, hermits, monks and your elders.
3. Donate Banana or Laddus of Besan in charity.




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