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Tarot Card

Tarot Reading

Tarot is the storybook of our life, the mirror to our soul, and the key to our inner wisdom.

Tarot is an ancient divination that acts as an inner key to the path of wisdom and spirituality, beginning in the 14th century in Europe. Tarot reading is a powerful form of divination that use an ancient deck of cards to help you find answers to your questions about your life, relationships, career, wellness, and more. Cards were decorated by archetypes of the times, a procession of attitudes and characters very much influenced by folk beliefs and practices, many of which have ancient roots. It seeks to illustrate all possibilities of human experience in one deck of cards.

What do I need to read tarot cards?

The meanings of the cards that we know today are credited to Cartomancer Jean-Baptiste Alliette and Mlle Marie-Anne Adelaide (1776-1843). A traditional tarot deck comprises 78 cards. The deck is further divided into Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana has 22 cards, and each card has an interpretation that only one with an understanding of the cards can help you figure out. 56 suit cards comprise the Minor Arcana, also referred to as the lesser Arcana. These 56 cards are divided into four suits: wands, swords, pentacles, and cups. Occasionally, tarot decks will employ other terms, like “coins,” for pentacles, but these are direct substitutions for the four original categories.

Meaning of Tarot Cards

Though design varies greatly, all tarot decks are uniform in a couple of ways. The Major Arcana when pulled during a reading, typically refer to more major influences and revelations. These cards don’t have suits and instead stand alone, representing significant life events and/or figures in a person’s life. Each Major Arcana card represents a scene featuring a person or several people along with various elements. 

The Minor Arcana, which forms an integral part of any tarot reading, refer to more everyday matters and influences. Each suit represents a different facet of life. Typically, wands symbolize creativity and passion, swords symbolize intellect, pentacles symbolize work and money, and cups symbolize emotion. There are other groupings here, too; each suit is also aligned with a grouping of astrological signs, such that wands = fire, swords = air, pentacles = Earth, and cups = water. These meanings can come into play where cards represent people and their zodiac signs.

How do I read the cards?

It’s important to consider each card’s individual meaning, but it’s essential to consider the vibe and symbolism in the spread as a whole, too. Especially in larger spreads, there’s as much information to be gleaned from the overall picture as its pieces.There are lots of ways to read tarot cards, and often the directions that come with your cards will include pictures of the most popular spreads. These include the simple three-card spread, the Celtic cross, and a seven-day spread, but there’s a spread for any situation, and you can always make up your own, too.

A three-card spread has the reader pull three cards from the deck after it’s been shuffled and halved by the querent (more on that in a moment). Usually, the first called pulled represents the past, the second represents the present, and the third represents the future. How those timelines are interpreted depends on the reading and the question being asked. Clearing the deck is a critical first step in reading Tarot cards, as it is open the pathway between spiritual dimensions.

Every spiritual lesson we meet in our lives can be found in the seventy-eight Tarot cards. And when we consult the Tarot, we’ll get shown the exact lessons we need to learn and master to live an inspired life. It’s like holding up a mirror to yourself so that you can access your subconscious mind and tap into the wisdom that lives in us all. Tarot doesn`t predict the future. Tarot facilitates it.

GrahaTalk has a panel of some of the best Tarot Card Reader, guiding you towards a better & brighter future. All future events are subject to change and our actions today can change your future tomorrow.

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