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April 20 - May 20

Vedic name: Vrishabha

Meaning: Bull

Type: Earth Fixed Sign

Taurus is the second zodiac sign and rules the second house. The sign signifies a desire for worldly pleasures and a desire for rewards. It is recognized as the anchor of the zodiac wheel and is one of the hardest working signs.  

  • Taurus is the sun sign of those born between April 20 and May 20. The indigenous people are bright, ambitious, and trustworthy. They have two separate energy speeds. Some seem relaxed and content, while others are pumped and ready to charge. They are powerful and exude an appealing feeling of assurance and stability. They have a hard and silent demeanour.

  • They will speak in monologues such as ‘yes, nah, thanks, hello’ until they are thoroughly familiar with the person. They tend to move slowly and speak softly. Nothing can disturb their tranquilly and calmness since they are sturdy and steady. They won’t budge an inch no matter what you do to upset them.

  • They are content and joyful when they spend time alone. If you push them too hard or taunt them too much, they will become enraged and defiant. They have excellent control over their rage. Even a short-tempered Taureans gets irritated now and then. When they are upset or enraged, they can destroy everything. They always enjoy things they can touch, smell, and taste, and they value the better things in life. They are steady, patient, and tenacious.

  • They have a well-balanced life filled with hard effort and great accomplishment. Their determination instills stubbornness in them. They do not stick to the same things and are willing to hear other people’s perspectives. They do not change their minds to please others. They are extremely cautious and take fewer chances.

  • Taurus is a passionate sign, and its inhabitants crave pleasure. The natives are wonderful friends, colleagues, and collaborators in business. They place far too much emphasis on honesty. They ask too many questions to determine whether you are a good fit for them to begin a relationship with. Taurus men and women will harbor a grudge if their partner lies to them, even if it is white falsehoods.

  • Ruling Planet: Venus
  • Element: Earth
  • Quality: Fixed
  • Symbol: The Bull
  • The Symbol denotes: Stubbornness and tenacity, fierce energy and aggression but also a laid-back, lazy attitude.
  • Characteristics: Cold, feminine
  • Noteworthy qualities: Steadfastness, trustworthiness, persistence, composure, self-reliance, constructiveness, practicality, humour, fearlessness and stability.
  • Undesirable Personality Traits: Stubbornness, domination, obstruction, dogmatic attitude, conceit, self-centered behavior’s, laziness, exacting approach.
  • Birth Stone: Diamond, White Sapphire and White Topaz
  • Birth Colors: Pink, White
  • Lucky number: 1,9
  • Compatible Signs: Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces
  • Lucky Day: Friday
  • Deepest need: Comfort, material ease, wealth
  • Quality most needed for balance: Flexibility.
  • Associated flowers and plants: Rose
  • Best Sign/s for marriage and or partnerships: Cancer and Capricorn
March 15 2024

Today is the best day of the week. Definitely you shall get honor and respect in society. Business persons will get more order very easily from different resources. This is the time to invest in speculation. You will not rely upon yourself. The day shall be average with some happiness and some confusion. So take all important decisions wisely and after thinking over that.


March – Week 2

The beginning of the week is auspicious as you would be focusing all your energies for the consolidation of source of The beginning of the week is perfectly fine for your work and for getting desired support from subordinates. Your bosses would favor you for your excellence at work. The business and gains would increase. Those in job might get some good news regarding the up gradation of their job profile. The middle days of the week are beneficial to worship any black God and Goddess and this type of remedy would eventually prove beneficial for overcoming the malefic influence of planets. More financial gains are likely. The concluding part of the week is not favorable for accomplishing important tasks undertaken therefore this time should not be considered favorable for starting any new task. Your expenses would remain uncontrolled. You might have to go on some tiresome journeys which might cause problems like loss of health and money and in the process the problem of mood swings is sure to chase. Don’t get irritated, postpone important task, work with patience and try not to lose your confidence.



    March 2024

Health : Dame fortune, is in a mood to bless your health and as such you can expect to remain fit, during the ensuring period. Those with chronic diseases like rheumatism and similar irregularities like flatulence and excess of wind in the digestive tract can expect considerable relief from their troubles, provided normal care is maintained. This would also be true of any kind of tooth trouble. Further, you can expect any tendency to nervousness to get relief and create far less than the usual difficulties. A certain weakness make be noticed, but this can easily be overcome with a little exercise and good food. A beneficial month, during which you are unlikely to face any serious health hazard.

Finance : This month your financial prospects look quite good and could well establish you on a permanently sound footing. Many of you can look forward to reaping a rich harvest of sudden gains. Others would gain through speculation, which would also bring in rich profits. Most of you would in any case have a way of handling your juniors or workers in a manner that will enable you to derive optimum benefit from their services. This would be a very important benefit for you and could well result in big profits. Further, there is a likelihood of an old gentleman doing you a favour or a service that would also be extremely beneficial. And, finally, your relations with your superiors would assume such pleasant dimensions that you would stand to gain very much from these.

Profession : There should arrive in your career interesting possibilities for advancement during the coming month. Your approach to work would be conducive to success. You are action-oriented with business-like efficiency. You would tend to work very hard, and your efforts would be amply rewarded. Encouraged by success you may further capitalize on this by shifting the venue of your operation, whether it be a job or business. All this would be for better prospects, which would come your way. There would also be a good deal of travel, which, too, would be extremely beneficial. Look forward to achieving something significant this month.

Education : This month there is nothing particularly favourable about your educational prospects, in the augury from the stars. Practically, all examination results of most of you would be below expectations, to say the least. Most of you would also have to struggle quite a bit for the realization of your goals. Even then, you may not be able to achieve much success. But there is always hope for those who persevere in the face of difficulties. Candidates sitting for competitive examination should go in for extra coaching well in advance, since this could turn to be the factor that would determine the outcome of your efforts.

Travel : A month during which the prospect of a gains from travel appear to be quite remote, since the stars are not in a favourable mood. You would tend to travel alone mostly by rail and by road with a fair measure of air travel. Further, a foreign trip also cannot be ruled out. All those sojourns would perhaps be related in equal measure to work as well as to other reason. However, whatever be the reason for undertaking these, it is quite certain that not even a fraction of your goals would be fulfilled. You would therefore, do well to scrutinize your travel plans in advance and ascertain if any purpose would be served by making it. East would be the most favourable direction.

Family : There is very little of a pleasant nature in the augury from the stars this month, in so far as your family welfare is concerned. Someone below you in the social strata could create trouble for you all, to the point of doing you earning serious harm. Deal with this firmly, instead of letting things go out of hand. The family atmosphere would also be none too pleasant with harmony among the members nowhere in sight. Bleak circumstances that are bound to effect all of you, but more so the children. Pay special attention to them, since they would deserve better.

Children : A month during which there is little of a favourable nature in the augury from the stars in far as the affairs of your children are concerned. There is a strong possibility of the wards of some of you getting into fights or disputes with servants or such people leading to unpleasant consequences. Parents should be forewarned, and restrain the more boisterous among their wards. The performance of some of them would not be below average at studies. This would have to be boosted by extra coaching. This would apply particularly to sitting for competitive examination. A month during which parents should closely watch over their wards.


Year 2024

This year, Saturn would remain in Aquarius Sign Tenth House and Rahu in Pisces Sign Eleventh House. In the beginning of the year Jupiter would be in Aries Sign Twelfth House and on May 01, it would transit Taurus Sign Ascendant. Mars would have its transit with its normal motion. Venus would remain combust from April 29 to June 28.

Work, Profession : Beginning of the year would produce effects of ups and downs nature as far as business point of view is concerned. In the beginning of the year, transitory effect of Jupiter in Twelfth House would create gains yielding external or foreign relations. You shall have to put ceaseless efforts for attaining success in your business.People in their jobs would bag reverence at their work place. After April, time period is taking a turn towards positively. Since Jupiter and Saturn would have combined aspectual effect on Seventh House, so this is an indication for bagging a handsome yield from your business. You would be recipient of full cooperation from high officials and senior persons. Jupiter in Ascendant is sending signals for novel opportunities in business.

Wealth, Property : This year would be auspicious for economic perspective Rahu in Eleventh House would remain a source of sudden gains. Which because an incessant flow of income for you. You could get rid of old prolonged debts and other liabilities.After April time period would be highly auspicious. At that time you would have your all-round progress. Stability in the field of profession would prove to be a boon for you and no obstacle/hindrance would stand in way of your efforts for developing a strong economic status. This period is quite favorable for making investment. If you invest in some profession/venture at this time, you would have desired gains.

Family & Society : In the beginning of the year because of combined aspect of Jupiter and Saturn on Fourth House, a harmonious environment continues to persist in your family. Mutual cooperation and emotional attachment would prevail in your family.
After April, time period would turn more favorable. Auspicious ceremonies or marriage of your son would be solemnized in your family. You would play a pivotal role for this purpose. As Jupiter and Saturn, both have aspectual effect on Seventh House, so you would enjoy melodious relation with your spouse.

Children : Beginning of the year would have moderate results for children. In the beginning of the year Jupiter being in Twelfth House could create some anxieties and worries about the children. But after April, as Jupiter would transit Ascendant, so time period would become quite favorable.Your children would proceed further by dint of their hard work and attain great success in domain of their education. They would be admitted in a topmost educational institution. You would feel proud of your children. Auspicious time is running for newly wedded females for impregnation/conceiving. Time period is providential for your second child. If he/she is running in marriageable age, his/her marriage ceremony could be celebrated.

Health : This year would bear average sized fruits for health perspective. Jupiter in Twelfth House could cause ups and downs for your health. Diabetes should strictly observe a regimen.You might suffer from stomach related problems as Jupiter is posited in fiery sign. But after April, Jupiter would transit Ascendant, which indicates a beginning of reformation and improvement of your health, occupations of the day and discipline in food habits.

Career & Competition : This year would bear sweet fruits for competitive examinations. One would get distinctive success in the beginning of the year but after transit of Jupiter, the time period would become completely favorable. Your performance would be better in domain of your education. You would be able to acquire higher education. Success in competitive examination is imminent. You would bag cooperation of experienced persons. There are probabilities for unemployed people to get employment.

Travel & Transfer : Beginning of the year is auspicious for journey perspective.Jupiter in Twelfth House gives strong indications for a foreign journey.After April, aspect of Jupiter on Ninth House reflects auspicious signs for a pilgrimage. Overall this year would prove to be auspicious for short, long and all forms of journeys. These journeys would be fortune enriching ones for the natives.

Religious Deeds & Propitiation of Planets : Beginning of the year would be auspicious for religious deeds. In the beginning of the year, aspect of Saturn on Jupiter in Twelfth House strongly indicates that you would carry out more donations and charities such as offering food to the poor, donations to baggers, feasts given to mendicants at religious places etc. It would become your specific trait. After April, Jupiter would transit Ascendant. At that time Jupiter would have its aspectual effects on Fifth and Ninth House which ensures enhancement of your spiritual knowledge. This would cause your involvement in worships and meditations without any selfish motions. You would obey your religious preceptors and follow their preaching.

1. Seek blessings of parents, hermits, monks, religious preaches and your elders.
2. Donate Banana or Laddus of Besan at a temple or religious place in charity.
3. Offer water to Sun every day.



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