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Vedic Yantras

Shree Vishnu Yantra- Silver

The ruling deity of Shri Vishnu Yantra is Lord Vishnu. Shri Vishnu Yantra is worshipped to appease Lord Vishnu. Worshipping Shri Vishnu Yantra brings prosperity, success, peace, harmony and good luck in the home and in the office. This is...

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Shree Vishnu Yantra- Copper

The ruling deity of Shri Vishnu Yantra is Lord Vishnu. Shri Vishnu Yantra is worshipped to appease Lord Vishnu. Worshipping Shri Vishnu Yantra brings prosperity, success, peace, harmony and good luck in the home and in the office. This is...

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Shree Shiva Yantra- Gold

Lord Shiva represents the cosmic energy of life. He governs death and dissolution. When you appease him, he blesses you with longevity, peace, good health and strength to fight against negative forces.The Shiva Yantra is a divine tool to invoke...

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Shree Shiva Yantra- Silver

Lord Shiva represents the cosmic energy of life. He governs death and dissolution. When you appease him, he blesses you with longevity, peace, good health and strength to fight against negative forces.The Shiva Yantra is a divine tool to invoke...

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Shree Shiva Yantra- Copper

Lord Shiva represents the cosmic energy of life. He governs death and dissolution. When you appease him, he blesses you with longevity, peace, good health and strength to fight against negative forces.The Shiva Yantra is a divine tool to invoke...

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Shree Kartikeya Yantra- Gold

Lord Kartikeya, also known as Murugan or Subramanya, is the son of Lord Shiva. He is portrayed for his beauty, wisdom and intelligence. Kartikeya Yantra blesses one with positive energy, a winner's attitude and a warrior’s resolve. This yantra bestows...

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Shree Kartikeya Yantra- Silver

Lord Kartikeya, also known as Murugan or Subramanya, is the son of Lord Shiva. He is portrayed for his beauty, wisdom and intelligence. Kartikeya Yantra blesses one with positive energy, a winner's attitude and a warrior’s resolve. This yantra bestows...

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Shree Kartikeya Yantra- Copper

Lord Kartikeya, also known as Murugan or Subramanya, is the son of Lord Shiva. He is portrayed for his beauty, wisdom and intelligence. Kartikeya Yantra blesses one with positive energy, a winner's attitude and a warrior’s resolve. This yantra bestows...

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Shree Dattatreya Yantra- Gold

Dattatreya is the culmination of all gods, prophets, saints, and yogis. Dattatreya Yantra is a powerful and highly revered Yantra. The Shri Dattatreya Yantra promotes prosperity, knowledge, and wealth. Dattatreya Yantra, indicating the three states of consciousness: waking, awakeness, and...

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Shree Dattatreya Yantra- Silver

Dattatreya is the culmination of all gods, prophets, saints, and yogis. Dattatreya Yantra is a powerful and highly revered Yantra. The Shri Dattatreya Yantra promotes prosperity, knowledge, and wealth. Dattatreya Yantra, indicating the three states of consciousness: waking, awakeness, and...

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Shree Dattatreya Yantra- Copper

Dattatreya is the culmination of all gods, prophets, saints, and yogis. Dattatreya Yantra is a powerful and highly revered Yantra. The Shri Dattatreya Yantra promotes prosperity, knowledge, and wealth. Dattatreya Yantra, indicating the three states of consciousness: waking, awakeness, and...

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Shree Brahma Yantra- Gold

God Brahma is the first member of the Hindu Trinity and the creator of the universe. Brahma Yantra is aimed to help to get rid of insufficiency, unhealthy competitors, resentment and bad effects of planets.It fills your life with peace,...

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Shree Brahma Yantra- Silver

God Brahma is the first member of the Hindu Trinity and the creator of the universe. Brahma Yantra is aimed to help to get rid of insufficiency, unhealthy competitors, resentment and bad effects of planets.It fills your life with peace,...

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Shree Brahma Yantra- Copper

God Brahma is the first member of the Hindu Trinity and the creator of the universe. Brahma Yantra is aimed to help to get rid of insufficiency, unhealthy competitors, resentment and bad effects of planets.It fills your life with peace,...

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Shree Balaji Yantra- Gold

Balaji Yantra brings in the blessings of Lord Tirupati Balaji, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu invigorates your power and bestows riches on you forever.This yantra also bestows the worshipper with physical, financial, spiritual and material wealth.It is believed...

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Shree Balaji Yantra- Silver

Balaji Yantra brings in the blessings of Lord Tirupati Balaji, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu invigorates your power and bestows riches on you forever.This yantra also bestows the worshipper with physical, financial, spiritual and material wealth.It is believed...

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Shree Balaji Yantra- Copper

Balaji Yantra brings in the blessings of Lord Tirupati Balaji, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu invigorates your power and bestows riches on you forever.This yantra also bestows the worshipper with physical, financial, spiritual and material wealth.It is believed...

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Rahu Yantra- Gold

Rahu is known for its malefic effect and is associated with laziness, delay in work, and obstacles. Worshipping the Rahu Yantra can help safeguard you from the negative energies and malefic effects of planet Rahu, provide relief from addictions, and...

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Surya Yantra- Gold

Surya Yantra makes you more focused and connects you with the divine source. It increases the power of one’s birth chart and it helps to ward off the effects of a malefic sun.Surya Yantra represent the cosmic vibrations which align...

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Surya Yantra- Silver

Surya Yantra makes you more focused and connects you with the divine source. It increases the power of one’s birth chart and it helps to ward off the effects of a malefic Sun. Surya Yantra represent the cosmic vibrations which...

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Surya Yantra- Copper

Surya Yantra makes you more focused and connects you with the divine source. It increases the power of one’s birth chart and it helps to ward off the effects of a malefic Sun. Surya Yantra represent the cosmic vibrations which...

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Shukra Yantra- Gold

Shukra Yantra has the powerful energy to attract abundance in life. It will pacify the malefic effects of Venus and increase its positive impact. It is the easiest way to strengthen your Venus in the birth chart. Venus Yantra blesses...

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Shukra Yantra- Silver

Shukra Yantra has the powerful energy to attract abundance in life. It will pacify the malefic effects of Venus and increase its positive impact. It is the easiest way to strengthen your Venus in the birth chart. Venus Yantra blesses...

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Shukra Yantra- Copper

Shukra Yantra has the powerful energy to attract abundance in life. It will pacify the malefic effects of Venus and increase its positive impact. It is the easiest way to strengthen your Venus in the birth chart. Venus Yantra blesses...

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Shani Yantra- Gold

Shani Yantra counteracts malefic Saturn’s negative effects by bringing all of Lord Saturn’s benefits, which adorn one’s life with glorious brightness. Worshipping the Shani Hanuman Yantra brings the devotee the blessings of Lord Hanuman, Lord Shiva and Shani Dev, as...

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Shani Yantra- Silver

Shani Yantra counteracts malefic Saturn’s negative effects by bringing all of Lord Saturn’s benefits, which adorn one’s life with glorious brightness. Worshipping the Shani Hanuman Yantra brings the devotee the blessings of Lord Hanuman, Lord Shiva and Shani Dev, as...

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Shani Yantra- Copper

Shani Yantra counteracts malefic Saturn’s negative effects by bringing all of Lord Saturn’s benefits, which adorn one’s life with glorious brightness. Worshipping the Shani Hanuman Yantra brings the devotee the blessings of Lord Hanuman, Lord Shiva and Shani Dev, as...

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Shani Sadhesati Yantra- Gold

Saturn is a ferocious planet, but if Saturn is strong in the horoscope, it gives good results to the natives, while being weak it gives inauspicious results. People are scared of this phase as it is believed to bring a...

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Shani Sadhesati Yantra- Silver

Saturn is a ferocious planet, but if Saturn is strong in the horoscope, it gives good results to the natives, while being weak it gives inauspicious results. People are scared of this phase as it is believed to bring a...

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Shani Sadhesati Yantra- Copper

Saturn is a ferocious planet, but if Saturn is strong in the horoscope, it gives good results to the natives, while being weak it gives inauspicious results. People are scared of this phase as it is believed to bring a...

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Rahu Yantra- Silver

Rahu is known for its malefic effect and is associated with laziness, delay in work, and obstacles. Worshipping the Rahu Yantra can help safeguard you from the negative energies and malefic effects of planet Rahu, provide relief from addictions, and...

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Rahu Yantra- Copper

Rahu is known for its malefic effect and is associated with laziness, delay in work, and obstacles. Worshipping the Rahu Yantra can help safeguard you from the negative energies and malefic effects of planet Rahu, provide relief from addictions, and...

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Navgraha Yantra- Gold

The Navagraha Yantra is special because it works on all nine planets at once and in a mutually harmonious fashion.Navagraha Yantra proves to be the perfect remedy to get rid of malefic effects of the nine planets. . Establishing this...

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Navgraha Yantra- Silver

The Navagraha Yantra is special because it works on all nine planets at once and in a mutually harmonious fashion. Navagraha Yantra proves to be the perfect remedy to get rid of malefic effects of the nine planets. . Establishing...

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Navgraha Yantra- Copper

The Navagraha Yantra is special because it works on all nine planets at once and in a mutually harmonious fashion.Navagraha Yantra proves to be the perfect remedy to get rid of malefic effects of the nine planets. . Establishing this...

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Mangal Yantra- Gold

Mangal Yantra provide force to the effect of Mars in a horoscope. If Mars is negative and inauspicious in your horoscope then you should install Mangal Yantra. With the help of Yantra, one can prevent Manglik Dosh create by the...

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Mangal Yantra- Silver

Mangal Yantra provide force to the effect of Mars in a horoscope. If Mars is negative and inauspicious in your horoscope then you should install Mangal Yantra. With the help of Yantra, one can prevent Manglik Dosh create by the...

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Mangal Yantra- Copper

Mangal Yantra provide force to the effect of Mars in a horoscope. If Mars is negative and inauspicious in your horoscope then you should install Mangal Yantra. With the help of Yantra, one can prevent Manglik Dosh create by the...

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Ketu Yantra- Gold

Ketu is a malefic planet. Ketu Yantra is an auspicious instrument used to appease the planet Ketu . Its malefic position in one's Birth Chart may cause diseases, surgery, skin disease, accidents, money problems, defame, change of place etc. Yantra...

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Ketu Yantra- Silver

Ketu is a malefic planet. Ketu Yantra is an auspicious instrument used to appease the planet Ketu . Its malefic position in one's Birth Chart may cause diseases, surgery, skin disease, accidents, money problems, defame, change of place etc. Yantra...

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Ketu Yantra- Copper

Ketu is a malefic planet. Ketu Yantra is an auspicious instrument used to appease the planet Ketu . Its malefic position in one's Birth Chart may cause diseases, surgery, skin disease, accidents, money problems, defame, change of place etc. Yantra...

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Kaalsarp Yantra- Gold

Kaalsarp Yantra is worshipped to negate the malefic influences of Kaal Sarp Dosh in the horoscope. Placing the Kaalsarp Yantra reduces the ill-effects for individuals whose lives are filled with struggles, challenges, setbacks and obstacles in tasks one aspires to...

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Kaalsarp Yantra- Silver

Kaalsarp Yantra is worshipped to negate the malefic influences of Kaal Sarp Dosh in the horoscope. Placing the Kaalsarp Yantra reduces the ill-effects for individuals whose lives are filled with struggles, challenges, setbacks and obstacles in tasks one aspires to...

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Kaalsarp Yantra- Copper

Kaalsarp Yantra is worshipped to negate the malefic influences of Kaal Sarp Dosh in the horoscope. Placing the Kaalsarp Yantra reduces the ill-effects for individuals whose lives are filled with struggles, challenges, setbacks and obstacles in tasks one aspires to...

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Guru Yantra- Gold

Lord Guru (Jupiter) Yantra rectifies the negative effects of Planet Jupiter when it is working negatively in a horoscope. This religious Yantra is also used to increase the strength of Planet Jupiter in your horoscope when it is working positively,...

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Guru Yantra-Silver

Lord Guru (Jupiter) Yantra rectifies the negative effects of Planet Jupiter when it is working negatively in a horoscope. This religious Yantra is also used to increase the strength of Planet Jupiter in your horoscope when it is working positively,...

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Guru Yantra- Copper

Lord Guru (Jupiter) Yantra rectifies the negative effects of Planet Jupiter when it is working negatively in a horoscope. This religious Yantra is also used to increase the strength of Planet Jupiter in your horoscope when it is working positively,...

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Chandra Yantra- Gold

Chandra Yantra can help maintain the mental balance of mind and bestow peace of mind. Position of moon in horoscope can affect the behavior of a person. Worship of Moon Yantra can help you to maintain your mental and emotional...

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Chandra Yantra-Silver

Chandra Yantra can help maintain the mental balance of mind and bestow peace of mind. Position of moon in horoscope can affect the behavior of a person. Worship of Moon Yantra can help you to maintain your mental and emotional...

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Chandra Yantra- Copper

Chandra Yantra can help maintain the mental balance of mind and bestow peace of mind. Position of moon in horoscope can affect the behavior of a person. Worship of Moon Yantra can help you to maintain your mental and emotional...

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Buddha Yantra- Gold

Buddha Yantra is an device that invokes the power of the planet mercury and eliminates the damaging results of this planet.The Buddha Yantra soothes the planet Mercury. Buddha Yantra, as soon as set up at home, can nullify the bad...

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Buddha Yantra-Silver

Buddha Yantra is an device that invokes the power of the planet mercury and eliminates the damaging results of this planet.The Buddha Yantra soothes the planet Mercury. Buddha Yantra, as soon as set up at home, can nullify the bad...

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Buddha Yantra- Copper

Buddha Yantra is an device that invokes the power of the planet mercury and eliminates the damaging results of this planet.The Buddha Yantra soothes the planet Mercury. Buddha Yantra, as soon as set up at home, can nullify the bad...

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