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August 23 - September 22

Vedic name: Kanya

Meaning: The Virgin

Type: Earth-Mutable-Positive

Virgo is the sixth sign of Zodiac. Virgos are known for their meticulous attention to detail and their deep sense of humanity, which makes them one of the most caring signs of the zodiac. Their methodical approach to love and life ensures that nothing is left to chance.

  • Virgos are almost and always devoted to their families. Virgo men are not exactly garrulous, and they will stand out as a loner. They are the ones who are gentle, and attractive men over there in the comer, with the thesaurus under their arm. They are the ones with the tick-tock mind, clicking away the hours neatly and methodically noticing the smallest and finer details. In fact, they measure each minute for what it’s worth.

  • Virgo women are quiet with beautiful and soft eyes. The perfectionists of the zodiac wheel are more likely to work late at the office rather than being gregarious at a cocktail party. You usually do not prefer to relax sufficiently and enjoy the carefree social swim. It is mainly because you are basically uncomfortable in crowds. They make attempts to follow the party routine at times, through pure frustration. But duty whistles too insistently to allow for much frivolity. They are too busy daydreaming.

  • They are generally very tired at night due to a long day so devoid to make wishes from stars. Hence, they will seldom be blowing bubbles in the air or building castles in the sand. There will be a definite impression noticed on their faces and look naturally worried at the time of the serious problem. The impression is also noticed while they are struggling to solve problems or are secretly worried about something.

  • An observant Virgo is quick to notice flaws and fix them. They may even help others to reach their highest potential. The natives are blessed with the ability to take in a wealth of information and pick out only what’s important and useful. This ability makes them one of the most productive and efficient individuals of the zodiac circle. They have a methodical approach to life and always ensure that nothing is left to chance. 

  • Ruling Planet : Mercury
  • Element: Earth
  • Quality : Mutable
  • Symbol:The Virgin
  • The Symbol denotes: Matters pertaining to food, fitness, clothing, hygiene, and health
  • Characteristics:Earthy, mutable, feminine, cold
  • QualitiesThoughtfulness, sensitivity, efficiency, cautiousness, intelligence,  prudence, industriousness, action-orientation, perfectionism.
  • Undesirable Personality Traits: Selfishness, irritability, apprehension, skepticism, unresponsiveness, inconstancy, short-tempered nature, calculative approach.
  • Birth Stone: Emerald
  • Birth ColorsGrey, Beige, Pale – Yellow
  • Lucky Number: 5, 14, 15, 23, 32, 41, 50
  • Compatible Signs: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius, Capricorn
  • Lucky Day: Wednesday
  • Deepest need:To be useful and productive
  • Quality most needed for balance: A broader perspective
  • Associated Flowers and Plants:Buttercups, Chrysanthemums, Asters.,
  • Best Sign/s for marriage and or partnerships: Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus.
March 15 2024

This day will be good for you. You will earn more than your expectations. Your destiny will be with you. Your relationship with your spouse may deteriorate, so be cautious otherwise it may become bitter in future as well. You may get good news from your children or they may get an award or honor in society and also your name shall rise in society as well. Your health will be normal and your mind will be restless.



March -Week 2

The beginning of the week indicates that you might have to spend money in solving issues related to health problems, debts and litigation. Your expenses might increase suddenly and you are likely to go on a journey too however all these activities would create some hidden source of income for you. The mid part of the week might keep you low confidence wise however good compatibility and the mutual cooperation between husband and wife especially for the purpose of increase in income shall prove effective. In the remaining part of the week although there might remainsome mood swings related problems however there would be sudden financial gains from speculation, lottery, gambling or some other unexpected source. These gains might come from family also


     March 2024

Health : There is little likelihood of encouragement for your health this month, from the combination of stars facing you. Any predisposition to chronic disorders like rheumatism, and functional irregularities of the digestive system like flatulence and excess of wide would create serious problems for you and you will have to devote far greater attention to obtain proper medical remedies.Further you should be careful about being irritable and nervous, also make sure that the health of your teeth does not deteriorate. This is a favourable month, and with some extra care, you can ensure that nothing untoward happens. Overall a month, during which you would have to be careful.

Finance : This month the configuration of stars facing you does not augur well for your financial prospects. To begin with, there is a distinct possibility of your relations with your superiors taking a nose-dive. So much so that serious losses would become very probable. This, you must prevent by some foresight and advance action.Speculation would also almost certainly result in serious losses to some of you, therefore, you should stay away from gambling at all sorts. There is also the danger that some of you would be inclined towards concentrating unduly on generating unaccounted money. Such pursuits would not be in your best interests and should best be avoided.

Profession : A good month to go places in your professional endeavours. Those inclined towards artistic activity and practitioners of the fine arts can look forward to a period of extremely satisfying creative pursuits. In fact, some of you may well go on to make a mark for yourselves with your contributions.There would also be a good deal of travel, which would also prove quite beneficial. The most advantageous direction would be south. Apart from travel, there is the likelihood that you would shift the venue of your operation, whether it is for business or a job. However, deliberate carefully before making any change, since any hasty step could well undo much of your good efforts.

Education : Nothing particularly favourable about the augury from the stars, in so far as your educational pursuits are concerned. All examination results this month, for most of you would be below expectation, to say the least. Those sitting for competitive examinations should go in for extra coaching well in advance since this would greatly improve your chances of success. But even then, this might be an uphill task.Technical students may have to work much harder than usual to maintain their ranking as will students of journalism and accountancy. Those pursuing the crafts and technical trades may, however, remain largely unaffected by the adverse spell of circumstances.

Travel : Not a month during which travel would bring sizeable gains, since the augury from the stars is not very helpful on this score. Writers, poets, and others of their ilk may have a singularly unproductive spell of travel, both in terms of material gains and creative impetus. You would tend to travel alone, mostly by road or by rail, with a fair measure of air travel. A foreign trip cannot be ruled out. However, it is quite certain that these efforts will not achieve even a fraction of the goals. The most favourable direction is East.

Family : The affairs of your family are unlikely to have smooth sailing during the coming month, since the stars are not very favourably disposed. There is a distinct possibility of serious differences with the elders of the family. Do not lose your cool and refuse to be drawn into any sort of a confrontation. This would help quite a bit.Further, the family atmosphere would be none too pleasant either, with harmony among the members nowhere in sight. In such circumstances, pay special attention to your children, since they would be the most affected. Financially also, you may not do too well. Therefore, you must carefully plan your expenses.

Children : A month during which you would face far fewer problems with regard to your children since they face a fairly beneficial time. Most children would be able to do quite well at their studies as well as in their extra curricular activities. In fact, you can look forward to seeing your children becoming a source of satisfaction to you.You might find, however, a certain resistance on their part to carry out instructions. This would be an irritating development, but parents must remain patient and try and reason it out with their children.


Year 2024

This year, Saturn would remain in Aquarius Sign Sixth House and Rahu in Pisces Sign Seventh House. In the beginning of the year Jupiter would be in Aries Sign Eighth House and on May 01, it would transit Taurus Sign Ninth house. Mars would have its transit with its normal motion. Venus would remain combust from April 29 to June 28.

Work, Profession : Beginning of the year would reap an average harvest for work and profession perspective. You would succeed in domain of your work by dint of hard and sincere inputs. Rahu posited in Seventh House indicates ups and downs in your profession. Hence do not start or undertake any new business during this time period. Your latent foes might create problems and obstruction in domain of your work. This could be due to effect of in domain of your work. This could be due to effect of Jupiter in Eighth House.After April, time period would turn more favorable. Your destiny would attain highest pedestal of success. You would have good gains from your business. Those who are doing jobs would have reverence at their work place. This year is not fruit yielding for any profession in partnership.

Wealth, Property : Beginning of the year would be moderately auspicious for wealth and property. You would be in possession of comforts from immovable property along with vehicles also. After April, Jupiter in Ninth House is auspicious for economic growth.Being transit of Jupiter favorable, there would be enhancement of income and hence level of desired savings could be achieved. You would incur expenditure on auspicious ceremonies and social celebrations. Inflow of wealth would be added due to destiny children.

Family & Society : Beginning of the year would be favorable for family perspective. Aspect of Jupiter on Fourth and Second House is an indication for a peaceful environment in your family. You bag cooperation from family and family environment would be conducive and congenial. You would be recipient of cooperation from your mother. Rahu in Seventh House would create problems in your relation with spouse and health of spouse. Rahu in Seventh House could also cause separation from home due to your work.After April, you would be on your toes for participating in social activities. This would add to your respect and prestige along with name and fame in society. Whole hearted cooperation of your younger brother and sister would step up your prowess and influences.

Children : Beginning of the year would not commonly favorable blow a wind for children point of view. Be utterly careful for education and health of your children.After April, time period is exceedingly auspicious. Fortune of your children would arise and their performance in education would improve. They would look forward by dint of their eagerness and hard work. It is auspicious time for conceiving a child for newly wedded couples. This year would bear fruits of average taste for your second child.

Health : Beginning of the year would not be much favorable for health perspective. Jupiter in Eighth House and aspect of Rahu on Ascendant would become a factor for causing fluctuations in your health. A little discomfort could be there due to weather borne diseases. If you are suffering from any disease earlier, adoption of measures for safeguard is of utmost need. Be particular about your food habits along with occupations of the day.After April, Jupiter would cast its aspectual effect on Ascendant and hence your health would improve. Your thought process would attain more maturity because of aspect of propitious planet an Ascendant. Your interest in religious activities would get an impetus. This would create your mental peace and satisfaction along with physical fitness.

Career & Competition : This year would bear sweet fruits for career and competitive examination perspective. Effect of Saturn on sixth House would bestow success in competitive examination. This time period is auspicious for those who are ambitious to have higher education on a foreign land.This year is excellent for those who are engaged in electronic or hardware related areas of work. Enemies would be conquered and one can have employment during this period. After April, there are indications for higher education.

Travel & Transfer : This year would be exceedingly auspicious for journey point of view. Since Jupiter and Saturn both have combined aspectual effect on Twelfth House. In the beginning of the year, so it strongly indicates your foreign journey. You could also undertake pilgrimages after April, because of Jupiter in Ninth House.

Religious Deeds & Propitiation of Planets : This year would not be much yielding for religious activities. But after April, your mind would be more inclined towards religious deeds. You would worship god for achieving your aim and objectives.

1. Serve a priest in a temple, Brahmin, elders, religious instructors and the like.
2. Donate banana or yellow articles/items in charity. Observe fast on Thursday and distribute Laddus of Bessan among the poor.
3. Offer bread to black dog on Saturday and recite Rahu Mantra every day.



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